View Full Version : occupational therpy

08-01-11, 21:35
I got a letter today saying my doc wanted me to see them,,there is a waiting list and to phone. Ive no idea why Ive to got. im seeing a cpm on Tuesday,,what are occ therphy:blush:,,I hate to see new people,,just sets my painc off,,doing well on meds at the moment, but a wee painc when the dog had to go to the vet and yesterday,,no idea why It came on. I dont if I should cancel it or go as no idea why im going Seem my doc on the 30th,,she put my tablets up to 3 a day,,and by end Jan I should be feeling better,,she never said aboyt occ health

08-01-11, 22:29
Do you work at all?

08-01-11, 23:52
do you mean occupational therapy or occupational health? occupational therapy is about working with a professional who helps you to re-engage with daily life activities and stuff, to support people with physical or mental impairments. Occupational health is usually normally a department within an organisation (ie the NHS) which takes care of the health and well-being of employees. So if you work in a big company or organisation your doctor might want you to see them so that the company can play a part in your treatment/care. i myself am a midwife and had to go to occ health when i first started suffering with anxiety and panic. they normally have a doctor and nurses there. mine were all lovely and very supportive.

09-01-11, 13:24
I dont work, car accident, a few years back, cant walk well,,used to work for the nhs myself. Maybe im getting confused, will as the cpn on Tuesday.

Thanks for your replys:hugs:

09-01-11, 17:26
Hello Susanw,
Who ever you are seeing i'm sure they will be very helpful,and if there is anything you don't understand,jusy say. I'm sure you will be ok.

09-01-11, 20:31
I've worked in occupational therapy (OT) for 8 years and i am training part time to be an occupational therapist. I work in physical medicine but OT's also work in mental health. This will be where your referral has been made. OT's are there to help you to do the things you want to do, eg if you suffer from agrophobia your goals maybe to be able to leave the house alone and an OT would work with you to enable you to do that.
The OT will taylor their therapy to you and the problems you want to deal with and overcome.
Dont be scared we are really lovely people who want to help.
If you have any questions just ask - or pm me
Deb x

09-01-11, 21:14
Im just scared to meet new people,,not doing to well at the mo,,got to rely of family to drive me to places as cant drive on my tablets. Realy wish this would go away,,be back to normal,,very sore at the mo, but cant take my painkillers,,but they dont help either,,used to the pain,,but not this,,just wish I could tunr back time:blush:

09-01-11, 21:52
sounds like you would really benefit from seeing an OT - it will help you to move forward

They would usually come and visit you at home, so you shouldnt have to rely on someone to take you
Try and think of this as something positive, something that will help you

take care x

10-01-11, 20:02
How do I pm someone,?

10-01-11, 20:12
click on the username and you will have the option to private message :)


10-01-11, 20:25
Thanks,,did not know that :blush: