View Full Version : Pantomime

08-01-11, 21:59
I went to a Pantomime tonight.

Feeling so proud of myself for going because I really didn't want to go and have been feeling anxious about it since last Wednesday.

I suffer from Claustrophobia, anxiety and Panic attacks, so I bet you can imagine how anxious I was about going.

It was decided before today, that I would leave interval.

I could feel my heart beating and I felt tense and cold were my hands. When I felt ok, I enjoyed being there. Good songs made it even better for me.

Can't wait to meet the Cast to tell them I've been !!:yahoo:

Captain Caveman
08-01-11, 22:06
Good job ju.ann :yesyes:

paula lynne
08-01-11, 22:36
Very well done, you should be proud yes! I feel like you when I conquer seemingly impossible (anything that involves going out)...such a small thing for others, HUGE for you. Well done, and for taking your panic and anxiety out for the evening....Keep it up x:yesyes: