View Full Version : just had a baby,cervix problem (just girls)

celia davies
08-01-11, 22:03
hello iv just had a baby by c section and latley keep having pains shooting in my cervix iv had period type pain an more discharge then usual wen i have this pain it makes me go a bit light headed the shottin pain that is iv also been having just above my bum an bottom of spine really achy pain anyone else have this my daughters six months old now so dont know if its because iv had a baby i never felt this with my son who i also had by c section x

paula lynne
08-01-11, 22:30
Hi Celia, it may be things just getting back to normal. Im afraid Im not qualified in midwifery, so suggest you see your gp or health visitor about this as soon as you can, it cant be nice feeling like that with a 2 little ones to look after. Hope you feel better soon x

08-01-11, 23:05
I agree with Paula maybe just have a word with your doc or health person.

Was your c-sestion planned or did you go into natural type birth first as obviously if it was the latter then your cervix would have dilated etc etc so therefore it could be due to all that and just things just getting back to normal although if it's only just started happening and your baby is 6 months old then I would have thought that you would have had it before now.

Probably just as simple as minor infection and I'm sure it's nothing to worry.

How fun are babies at 6 months old though... their little personalities are developing more and they are so lovely eh :)

08-01-11, 23:21
hi i had two c sections and rememebr with my second it being more painfull after than wth the frst.

i dont thnk its too much too worry about but not trained i would just recommned you mention it to a nurse or midwife they will just make sur eyou havent overdone it after having your baby xx

celia davies
09-01-11, 19:27
thank you all i think im guna pop the doctors as i want a coil fitted and im sure they do tests before u have one fitted,an yes my little girls just starting 2 do things like sit up its great apart from me worrying everyday that somethings guna happen lol x