View Full Version : twitching

08-01-11, 22:46
hi everyone, this might sound crazy but the past couple of days my bottom lip keeps twitching. i worried about what it could be, as anyone ever had this before ? and should i seek medical help ?. please someone let me know thanks xx

08-01-11, 22:58
very common with anxiety.

My eyelids used to twitch as well.

09-01-11, 00:44
thanks for replying x

09-01-11, 02:24
yeh i have a few twitches i shouldnt worrie about it

09-01-11, 04:16
thank you x

Purple Fish
09-01-11, 11:14
I've had a twitchy eyelid and I sometimes even get where my whole head will twitch as if I'm moving my fringe out of my eyes!! That one is hardly at all though and it happens when I'm anxious so I'm not worried. No ones ever commented either so it's obviously not noticeable when it happens.


10-01-11, 15:50
thank you for your reply x