View Full Version : Citalopram/Memory loss

08-01-11, 23:59
My mum has been on citalopram for a few months now.She is on 40 mg,the maximum dose for someone over 65.The last couple of months her memory has been getting quite bad,forgetting thing's,she will ask for something and it goes out of her head,leaving pots on the stove etc.

It all started around the same time as the citalopram.We are getting really worried about her incase its not the meds.She has an appointment with her gp on the 19th,but I would like to know if anyone else has had similar problems.Im actually on them myself.

She is 76 and a very active 76 year old.xxx

09-01-11, 00:15
Quite common Yorky ,especially on 40mg .My memory is usually excellent ,but its not half as good on Cit .I wake up worrying ive forgotten something most mornings .Perhaps your Mum could try 30mg ,it can make a difference .I know I feel better now ive reduced mine .But I still forget things .Being older would make me worry if it was something else ,but im sure its just the Cit . luv sue x

09-01-11, 13:20
Hi Yorky. I agree with Sue, although I'm only on 10 mg, my memory isn't as reliable as it once was! But it might be worthwhile for your mum to mention it to her GP when she's next there - just to be sure xx

09-01-11, 16:27
Hello Yorkielover,
I have been on 10mg of citalopram for about 18 months and I find that I am forgetting things,my memory is terrible.I am stressed most of the time too and that makes me worse. So in fairness I don't know if it is the tablets or stress,or OLD AGE. I put a timer on for cooking,and I have some sticky notes-well everywhere in the house.I do get shouted at some times
but It all goes over my head.Take care X

09-01-11, 16:42
Thank you everyone.xxxx:hugs: