View Full Version : worried :(

09-01-11, 00:01
im so worried right now got a migraine around two hours ago got the aura and all so took tablet and went to bed. after a wile my partner came up to me and got into bed i was saying something to him and ended up saying something different like words coming out of my mouth that i dint wanna say if u get me so then i freaked out and tried to talk normally and found i couldnt say anything at all so i got really upset, could of this been a mini stroke?? lasted about 5mins. had it before last year wen i had my baby im worried sick now and afraid that ill have a major stroke, and im on the pill which increases my chance :weep:

09-01-11, 00:04
I do that all the time lol. The words just don't come out right

It is not a stroke though

09-01-11, 00:05
if your really worried ring someone for help.
personally it sounds lke you was very tired from the mgrance and my husband does t f i was to wake him now (without him being ill) he would chzt rubbish to me cos ive woke him, then you have panicked from it and your minds gone racing. xx

dont no nothing about strokes or anything so maybe better off ring med for advice if your so worried

09-01-11, 00:10
its like i really had to concentrate to try talk.... made me panic i rang my my mam and explained she didnt seem too concerned so ill take her word :( i really hope i can calm down im so scared

09-01-11, 00:16
glad your feeling a little better try to get some rest if you got migranes must be painfull x

09-01-11, 00:22
it is painful, hate getting them :( but im feeling a tad better just need to get my head down and sleep it off. i hope i feel silly tomorrow for worrying

09-01-11, 00:36
dont feel sorry for worrying ever one worres just get rest wake up smiling and get on with the day x glad your feeling better

09-01-11, 03:13
Hi missykat,

I think that happens to most people from time to time when their mind is preoccupied – they say things they didn’t intend to say. And I think we’ve all experienced those times when we’re put on the spot and can’t find the words to say. It was almost like you put yourself on the spot for a moment.

I hope the migraine is better now :)


09-01-11, 10:07
thanks yeah im feeling better today, migraine is gone so im happy :) just hope nothing like that happens again for a while, scared me sooooo much

09-01-11, 14:25
Hello! I have a few family members who have had strokes and this resembles nothing like a stroke, this resembles a migraine which has triggered confusion and exhaustion.

No stroke no matter how minor ever goes without side effects after it has happened. So unless you woke up with slurred speech, that still hasnt gone away, blurred vision that still hasnt gone, lack of movement in one arm or leg that stll hasnt gone away and many more symptoms then trust me you havent had a stroke.

Theres never an earthquake that doesnt shake - and theres never a stroke that lets you go back to normal after a few hours and a nights sleep.

If youre still concerned mention it to your GP.

Best of health to you

09-01-11, 15:06
perhaps you are right Holly, thanks so much for responding. i was obviously exhausted so wud explain it on top of a migraine. ive no numbness or anything like that and can move fine. gonna mention it anyway to my gp the next time i go see him. apparantly if u suffer from migraines u shouldn't be taking contraceptive pills they increase risk of stroke. so of course i was scared stiffless. i dont smoke and im 24 so i guess thats good

09-01-11, 15:59
yeah definitely but the risk of stroke from migraines and contraceptive pill is less than 1% so hopefully you'll remain calm enough until you see your doctor - ive been there before which is why i can comment and it frightens the life out of you he might do some checks on you just to put your mind at ease but please dont think hes examining you because he thinks he needs to, my dad once told me (hes medical) that most doctors can tell by simply looking at you if theres something seriously wrong with you and its 100% true!

Hope youre ok