View Full Version : Sudden Death - Funeral Coming up.

25-03-06, 16:15
On tuesday morning I recived some horrible news.

My best friends brother had collapsed and died suddenly. She was alone with him on tuedsay morning at hers, he was sick and collapsed over the bathroom door so she wasnt able to get to him. The paramedics tried CPR etc, but he was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital.

He was 36 and has 3 children.

It just goes to show how quickly life can be horribly taken away from us.

My friend isnt answering our calls at the moment, which is understandable. She has been in contact a few times via texts. I think she is deeply shocked by the whole thing, esp as she was there witnessing it all, she wishes she couldve just got through the door to give him a cuddle.

I cant even begin to imagin how her and her family are coping.

She has told me the funeral is 5th April. so a week and a half away.
I am determined to go. I want to be there for my friend, and im hoping that I will be able to think of her and her family on the day, instead of letting the anxiety take over. It is somthing I need to do and no matter what I am going to be there for her.

I just feel so so sad at the whole thing. I have tried to stay strong, but the thought of what has happened has really got to me. I havnt told my fiance or anyone how much this has got to me. I feel selfish for feeling low abuot it, as it hasnt happend to me.

Its the first time today i have cried about it - im also crying and sad thiking of how my friend is feeling and coping. I just feel so useless.

I just needed to offload a bit xx

Tatty B xx

25-03-06, 16:21
That's really tragic news, and puts things into perspective, don't you think.

I know that you will find the strength to be there for your friend.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

25-03-06, 16:23
Thank you Ray,

and yes, it totally puts things into purspective.

I feel inside I have the strength and determination to be there for her, the normal 'what if' thoughts etc arent there, which is good.

Thank you for your support x

Tatty B xx

25-03-06, 16:27

Am sorry to hear your sad news, Ray is so right how it puts things in perspective, I really feel for what you are all going through, I think you will find the strength within you will pull you through this for your friend,

Take Care

Wendy xx

25-03-06, 16:34
Hi Tatty, Just to say thinking of you, i lost a young friend not long ago and it is terrible.
I think its worse when it happens suddenly too.
I am sure you will find the inner strength to support your friend and family, and remember on the day, lots of people feel exactly as you will, even the non sufferers.
Take care and keep in touch,xx

25-03-06, 16:44
Thank you wendy & alexis,

Alexis - thats for your words, they are really tru & have helped


Tatty B xx

25-03-06, 17:07
Tatty very sad news and one I can understand since the same thing happened on Thurs to the father of one of my daughters friends. He was only 10 years older than your friends dad. We've been saying exactly the same as Ray was saying.

Big hug hun.

Love Piglet xx

25-03-06, 18:18
Hi Tatty, sorry to hear what has happened. You will find the strength to be there for your friend. My brother died in similar circumstances and it definitely puts things in perspective.. Its ok to feel sad, youre obviously a good firend and everyone feels helpless at times like these I think.

Thinking of you


25-03-06, 18:48
Hi Tatty

What very sad news indeed and our thoughts are with your friend and her family at this time.

It is natural to think about how these things affect us at the time. At the end of November last year my best friend's dad died suddenly and I had similar feelings to what you are describing here. I had only seen him at my friend's house the night before and it was a huge shock.

At the time I was experiencing one of my lowest points myself and had doubts about going to the funeral but knew I needed to do it and be there for my friend. It was very hard but I went and I know it meant a lot to her and her family that I was there.

Don't give yourself a hard time for thinking how this affects you. It is a shock for everyone and you are doing what you can for your friend.

We'll all be thinking of you on the day of the funeral.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

25-03-06, 19:14
Thanks Piglet, coni & Karen.

Karen - thanks for what you said, it means a great deal, thank you xx

Tatty B xx

26-03-06, 00:42
Hi Tatty

This will be so hard for you and i am thinking about you. I will text you tomorrow.

I know you will be there for her when she is ready for that support,she isnt ignoring you at all she is just coping and when she needs you i know you will be there for her.

You have being through so much and i know you will support her all you can.

Im here for you and if you need me you know where i am.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 13:54
I am so sorry about your sad news.

As you probably know I lost my Grandma recently.

A hug from me to you.

I would go to the funeral if i was you, however you're feeling on the day. I'm regretting not going to certain funerals, not just my Grandma's.

The more people that know how you feel, do you think it would make you feel better? It would for me. Crying is normal so please don't feel bad about it, if you do.

Your friend will want your company in time.

Best wishes from julie x

26-03-06, 17:22
Hi Tatty,

I wouldn't worry too much about the anxiety at the funeral, tbh when i went to my gran's there was so much other emotion going on that you just dont think about it as much.

Maybe you could talk to your fiancee about it? I'm sure he would understand and help you.

Big hugs x x
