View Full Version : constantly lightheaded

09-01-11, 10:38
I know this subject has been brought up before so you will have to forgive me for asking about it again.

I would really like to know if anybody suffers with constant lightheadedness to a certain degree every day and have had it been proven that its anxiety, depression or just thoughts and if so how was it proved.

Ive been battling this for nearly 10 years and to me its becoming worse not better, even with all the therapy I'm having.

Its really hard to describe the feeling, Its not a spinning sensation, things just don't look right to me and i find myself trying to keep my balance most of the day. I feel the same sitting down aswell.
I know i do have problems with anxiety and i find the world a scary place and always have done but if i could get rid of this constant feeling then im sure my life would improve.

Ive been to a neurologist, no help there, ENT because i suffer from sinusitis but they said its nothing to do with that. i went to an osteopath but didn't get good results from him either.

I had an interesting conversation with my doc last week about all these consultant's he sends me to and why they don't do much to try and help me. He said its like a conveyor belt at these places and that he has to be really careful what he writes on the letters to them. If he puts that he thinks my sinuses could be my problem then that is all they will check me for, they wont think, ok its not that we will look at some other ENT problem you just get sent back to your doc.

He had referred me again as he wants me to have a balance test, he is just hoping that they will perform it and not just ask me questions and decide that i dont need one.

Another year like this is not for me, i dont get any pleasure out of life anymore, meds make me worse.
I can deal with anything but i cant deal with something when i dont really know the cause. I often think that im trying to fight something that i cant control.

Anybody been my boat and had prove that thoughts are the reason for them feeling this way.X

09-01-11, 13:02
The way you describe your dizzyness is how i feel every day and have felt since i was 13 i am now 31, i have seen all sorts of consultants who have done every test under the sun, these include cardiologist, endocrineologist, allergist, gastroenterologist, Neurologist, rheumatologist the list goes on, all of my tests have been ok apart from some bloods which revealed that i have low b12 but this has been corrected with monthly injections, and anti-bodies which may mean some sort of auto-immune disorder, which i am being monitored for. I have recently been diagnosed with M.E i also had this when i was 13. so some of this may be contributing to my dizzy/lightheadedness but i do believe that alot of it is down to Anxiety/stress. but a few years ago i would not of accepted that, now i do, sometimes i am not even aware of feeling anxious, but i now recognise the signs, like if i am sleeping restless or i got sweaty hands and feet, or a raised heart rate, in times like that my dizzyness is always worst.
I don't think it is ever going to be easy for health profeesional to prove the dizzyness is caused by an anxiety related issue, all they can do is prove that it is not caused by physical illness which can be tested for, it really is only you can eventually accept and prove to yourself it is caused by anxiety, and that won't happen until, you have accepted it is the cause and try to ignore it. I too have been refered to a balance specialist, i haven't got an appointment yet, but my occupational therepist thinks it will be beneficial whatever is causing me to be dizzy, she says they use exercise, to try and retrain your brain to no longer feel dizzy. so i am hopefull this will help me, i have been bedridden for 2 years now, i don't know if my dizzyness is caused by my physical illness or my anxiety for sure, but i do know that anxiety makes it a 1000 times worst.

09-01-11, 14:09
Thanks for your reply Katie.
I understand that it is difficult for health professional to know for certain if anxiety is the cause but i get frustrated when i dont get tested for the things that could be causing my problems.
Ive never been diognosed with anything, not even anxiety, i just know im an anxious person.
Even my doc gets frustrated with the consultants he sends me to, they dont seem to test me for anything.
Every therapist ive been to is unsure that its all anxiety so i then begin to wonder if it is.
But all that being said i know the lightheadedness bothers me more when im depressed and fed up.
Thanks again.X

09-01-11, 16:31
I can understand your frustration, i am lucky, that since i moved i have a fantastic load of docs and other health professional looking after me, and i am able to feel confident that other nasty's have been ruled out.
Can you ask for any 2nd opinions? have you considered trying any anxiety meds to see if they make you feel any better. I hope you got to the bottom of it soon, its miserable being dizzy, that is my worst symptom i get, without that i could be more independant.

09-01-11, 17:02
Thanks Katie,
It is so frustrating. I can deal with anything, it wouldnt bother me what they said i had but i cant cope when i dont know why i feel this way.

I have decided to get a third opinions, last time i went private but i didnt really get much from that.

I have tried anxiety meds but they dont seem to help me, they make me feel worse but i dont seem to suffer from the usual anxiety symptoms, im just scared of getting through the day feeling the way i do.

I can control panic attacks now as long as im in a good mood.

All the consultants i see believe that my symptoms are real but they dont give me a reason why i feel the way i do.

Its great youve found good docs, sorry i sound miserable but its just the way i feel at the moment, thanks for replying.X