View Full Version : hello silly thoughts

09-01-11, 10:55
hello this is getting to me again will it ever end.this time every time i do or think something my mind tells me im scared no matter what even every day thing it just keeps saying your scared of this or your scared that and then i get really scared i will have a panic attack that will last the rest of my life just dont know what to do any more i try toignore it or just let it be and i get tired and then im scared of being tired or so mind will have me think this isnt normal. help!

eternally optimistic
09-01-11, 11:03
Hi and morning

I think that is probably quite normal when you are in a high state of anxiety.

If you are on meds, it will even out, Im sure.

I've had an iffy time over xmas and Im making myself walk... but the minute my foot touches that pavement I am thinking what'll I do if I panic, whose house will I go to, someone will pick me up ........ it goes on..... creating panic.

I wish you well and try and chill.

09-01-11, 11:19
thank you i seem to be panicy all the time im a single mum and the kids thinks every thing is normal but it isnt they dont understand that all i want to do is sit on the laptop looking for answers getting better is sooooooo slow

eternally optimistic
09-01-11, 11:30
I know what you mean... I've been googling too this morning.

Its so damn, wanted to say something else then... annoying... so cruel...

I see you are in Bristol... I'm in W-s-M, we're neighbours...

I suppose it is good your kids think things are normal...

Take care.

09-01-11, 12:11
thats not to far away yes it is good in one way then i shouldnt pass any anxiety onto them i just want to be left alone hopfully when i look back when im better i will be greatfull for it how do you cope if you dont mind me asking x

eternally optimistic
09-01-11, 19:56

I do cope, one way or another, I tend to get to the point whereby I just cant take any more and thats when I get to breaking point, quite literally.

I dont seem to have an "inbetween" state.

I long to wake and not worry about things that dont need worry about.

I think alot of it is in my nature to do that, just breaking that cycle.

Perhaps I need a damn good hobby to distract me!