View Full Version : PMS & PMT

09-01-11, 14:05
im new to the forum but have been suffering with anxiety & panic attacks for 4 years and it is slowly but surely ruiningmy life. ive well and truly had enough of it.

Recently i went from 11pm until 3pm without eating any meals and got shaky dizzy lightheaded and even more anxious. It was unintentional (not eating). Ive noticed a lot that even going from 9am until 12pm without eating is making me feel the same way so i got into google and realised i could have hypoglycemia. obviously PANIC set in and im a mess! ive spoken to my father he says im just panicking over nothing and its perfectly normal but i dont feel that it is and im worried.

As i set upon my research a lot of people have said that PMS/PMT can affect it hugely, a lot of people 2/3 weeks before their period can have fluctuating sugar levels because of hormones being released. I suffer from heightened anxiety and am completely irrational upto 2 weeks before my period and 1 week from now im due to start again, do you think this hypoglycemic episode im having is because of PMS?

I should mention that im quite overweight and often snack on rubbish between meals (my meals are healthy!) i dont eat red meat i only eat chicken fish and turkey. I dont smoke and rarely drink a lot of caffeine as ive noticed it makes me feel agitated.

Am i being paranoid or am i thinking clearly with the whole hypo & PMS thing? even if i did have hypoglycemia i dont know what i think would happen to me, the only way to control hypo is by diet so maybe i should alter my diet & step up the exercise? The thing is everytime i think i need to eat i eat sugary stuff or bad things for me. What do i do? Ahh!


09-01-11, 14:05
please note im 24 years old and this post will no doubt be the first of many!

09-01-11, 14:24
Hi holly and welcome

Assuming I’m reading those times right I would have thought going that amount of time without food would make anyone feel at odds, particularly if you are overweight as your body would be used to a permanent supply of energy(calories)

Do I get the idea, reading between the lines, that you would like to loose weight? If so it needs to be controlled, just not eating will not have the desired effect.......are you trying to lose weight? Is it an issue?

09-01-11, 14:30
im worried that i have hypoglycemia and it has gone unrecognised, i feel this way quite often and normally 2 weeks before a period. Yes the times were 11pm the night before until 3pm the next day.

I will be trying to loose weight as of tomorrow (i had 2 weeks off over xmas and new year) and im worried i'll be ill when i do. I didnt eat over that time because i was very busy and forgot to eat and it just hit me instantly. Now, typically im a mess and im talking myself into feeling lightheaded and paranoid about hypoglycemia. AHH!!!

What do i do?

Thanks for your help

09-01-11, 15:02
Well I’m male so can’t comment on the PMS things:blush: but hypoglycaemia affects everyone in so much as if we do not eat our sugar levels drop and we become hypoglycaemic. This obviously affect diabetics more but when they go hypo you know about it, I speak from experience of witnessing five diabetes going hypo, it really is bad. I’m sure what you are getting is just feeling rough through lack of energy intake, it is going to affect someone who is overweight I would have thought purely from the imbalance of body mass over structure that is why overweight people are more at risk of going on to develop diabetes which in turn disappears when weight is shed.

Have you ever been tested, either blood or urine, lately?
Two options I guess, see your GP to explain your worries and get a diet recommendation of alternatively I’m sure pharmacies can test for blood/sugar

09-01-11, 15:54
aaand breathe! thanks so much you just put my mind at ease. Now i realise if a hypo episode really is as bad as youre saying that im not and have never had one. As you say maybe i need a healthier diet and exercise - i need to loose weight!

a couple years ago i had my bloods checked for glucose, thyroid function, liver function and blood count and they all came back clear.

Thanks again

paula lynne
09-01-11, 16:18
Hi Holly. x
Ive been suffering with hormonal problems/anxiety/panic for over 10 years now. As groundhog says, any problem related to pms/pmt can be sorted re-blood test at your gps. You say these problems are worse 2 weeks before your period, this leads me to conclude its definately hormones.

This happens to those who are within normal weight ratios too, not always those overweight. Obviously your lack of appeite and nutritional intake needs to be looked at too. Tell your go your symptoms, and you can get this sorted quickly at your gps.

How old are you, and how tall are you, and whats your weight? If you prefer not to say, in box me x

09-01-11, 16:26
ive sent you my stats!

Thanks for all the help and advice i just needed to hear that im not hypglycemic and that even if i was i could control it so thank you :)

paula lynne
09-01-11, 16:53
Have got stats, thanks holly, have sent you a pm x

12-01-11, 19:10
AHH so help needed! been feeling rubbish today im still loaded with this cold/flu and feel awful, but now i think my dizzyness caused by that is actually hypoglycemia. Had a total meltdown and my dad as always helped me and im booked in on friday to see my GP

I did some research and apparently non diabetic causes are liver and pancreas problems, thyroid problems, medication reactions, tumours etc which i know i dont have. So whats causing this? i feel terrible and dont know what to do.

I know that if im hypoglycemic or even diabetic then i can cope with either no problem, and i know they are the only blood sugar related illnesses. So i dont know why im panicking so much
i have a huge fear of passing out or loosing consciousness which is why im so afraid i think..

Some reassurance needed!

12-01-11, 20:57
Hi Holly and welcome.

Basically, as another poster has said, everyone feels this way if they haven't eaten for a long time. And a lot of people feel this way if they haven't eaten for only a few hours. It doesn't mean you have the condition (which is apparently very rare and much debated by doctors anyway).

Your diet is more than likely making things worse. The symptoms you are getting are due to the change in blood sugar level. If you eat a snack that is high in refined carbs or very sugary, you get a massive sugar high, then a few hours later it crashes really quickly - leaving people feeling shaky, dizzy, sick and anxious. Maybe try replacing your junk snacks with things like bananas, dried fruit, nuts, ryvita with peanut butter.

I can definitely say that this low sugar level thing feels worse when you have PMT. For some reason I am really hungry when I have PMT.

You can always get a diabetes urine test to put your mind at ease.


15-01-11, 17:12
went to the doctors and was told that trying to diagnose hypoglycemia is very tricky but he reckons i have it. I was also told that every single person has hypo to an extent and will experience problems in their life regarding their blood sugar levels.
I was told how to help myself and i will follow through with the steps hes given me
i was given pyridoxine for the pms and he said it is 100% related to pms. so im now taking b6 pyridoxine.
My questions now are
has anyone ever had any side effects of pyridoxine? and if so what?