View Full Version : nausia and fainting

09-01-11, 17:14
i would much appriciate eny thoughts on this..

on friday i had an upset stomach on sataday it had gone but i had a panik attack on sataday becouse i got so worried bout the stomach upset...now today its back but with a feeling im going to die i dont no weather it might be a stomach ulcer or swine flu im geting realy worried nobody wants to listen to me as they think its all in my head... shall i go hospital

im scared lonley and paniking thankyou if enybody replies

09-01-11, 17:33
go and re-read what you said in the post - you answer your own question!
panic attack because you panicked, feel like youre going to die - classic anxiety.

upset stomachs are caused day in day out by nothing in most cases - i had an upset stomach at 3am one night then panicked and made it worse then i had a sore head so panicked about that but low and behold the upset stomach had gone away

try a bath relax listen to a cd or read a book it helps wonders

If youre still panicky try going to the symptom checker on NHS 24 or call them for advice :)

Weve all been there - chin up! x

09-01-11, 17:43
ino i had a bath and ate a sunday dinner felt fine but then it just came again i will go docters tomorrow if continues..im just scared im gonna faint in my sleep or something thankyou enyway xx

09-01-11, 18:33
also i took a different vitemen c today so dont no weather thats caused the stomach upset and my anxciety caused the nausia and shakes and everythink else x

09-01-11, 18:38
you cannot faint while lying down, you faint because your blood presure drops and you fall down, think of the fainting goats.
look of you really have a had time being rational and it's causing you distress you should see your doctor if you think it will help x x and hey you'll feel better afterwards x
have you ate anything different lately ?

if you are being violently ill, really hard core vomiting, non stop around the clock and can't keep any fluid down well then yeah its a safe bet to say you have a tummy bug and need some kind of medical help.

for nausea where you are not getting sick then maybe some chewing gum will help , it often works for me :-)

a stomach ulcer would hurt like pain when you ate certain types of food.
swine flu you would have a fever, aches pains, you'd know you'd have it! well that or the normal flu x

why do you think you will faint?
as long as theres no fever you do not have an infection or a virus.
no the nausea IS REAL but the feat and anxiety and imaging your self getting really ill and having all sorts is your anxiety.

09-01-11, 18:59
all what you feel is because you scare
thats it
no need for doctors .... just enjoy sleeping and sweet dreams

09-01-11, 19:16
i can see that but then i notice another sypton then another one and it carryies on... i hate this feeling
wish i could just stop it but i must have symptons and its not in my heaad for sure