View Full Version : alcohol

09-01-11, 18:41
i have had quite an anxious week, but have mostly been feeling ok. went out for a curry last night and had one pint of cobra (larger) and wasn't even the slightest bit drunk. i just like having beer with curry. today i have felt really quite anxious for most of the day and it seems to be getting worse. does anyone else find that even the smallest bit of alcohol can set them off? i dont drink huge amounts, some weeks i wont even drink. im just curious to know how if effects others :) xx

09-01-11, 19:59
I can't say that having a small amount can impact you but I guess logically the answer should be yes.

I say that because I used to drink far too much and at that time my panic/anxiety was probably at its worse. When I pretty much stopped drinking it got much better...therefore it's logical. Put it this way, I can't imagine it helps.

09-01-11, 20:10
My doctor told me that alcohol temporarily relaxes you and once it wears off your anxiety can increase


09-01-11, 20:14
Alcohol is a neurodepressant, it does relax you but it only inhibits the anxiety instead of letting it flow naturally which increases more adrenaline as soon as the effect wears off.

09-01-11, 20:14
i dont like alchol with my anxiety ts the thoughts that start etc

09-01-11, 20:30
alcohol will make you really anxious best thing to do is lay off it its not good and if you drink alot you can expect a panic attack in the morning if your sensitive to it thats what happend to me =[ hope this helps

09-01-11, 21:45
thanks for your replies. im really not a big drinker so didnt really think it was something i needed to give up, but maybe i need to think about it seriously. xx

09-01-11, 21:49
well it effected me a lot as like you a would have a pint or 2 then keep a masive serge of anxiety come over my body and then feel axtious in the morning but now nowing that its just anxiety its easyer to drink =]