View Full Version : Hyperventiliating without realising it??!!

09-01-11, 19:26
I'm a long term anxiety sufferer, and like many too many symptoms to list! I have also had for 20 plus years episodes of tingling skin, periodic numbness in fingers, face, feet. I had optic neuritis 25 years ago and have always been aware that this can be a pre-cursor to MS. Over the last week I have been getting LOTS of tingling, crawling sensations etc and went to GP on Friday. After listening to me and testing my reflexes he said I was hyperventilating. Apparently my relfexes were 'a bit jumpy' and the tingling is classic. I have hperventilated in the past when having a panic attack and once in hospital following surgery but I KNEW it was happening. Can you really be hyperventiliating without realising??? Now since being told this, I do feel my breathing is shallow and that I am struggling for breath and I'm convinced it must be my heart not working properly and now I am in panic mode. I've been trawling through posts here on hyperventilation and have got some reassurance but has anyone else been hyperventilating without knowing that you are???:huh:

09-01-11, 20:00
Maybe you were just hyperventilating because you were nervous during the exam. After the exam your breathing probably returned to normal. You can hyperventilate without knowing it but that's not life threatning.
