View Full Version : Hunger pangs...even when I've just finished eating

09-01-11, 20:38
I've posted about this before but its really bothering me to be honest.

I went to my GP on Friday and told him my symptoms which are basically hunger pangs even after eating a big meal, I constantly feel empty and as though I need to eat. I have an acid feeling that comes up into my throat and it won't go away. I burp quite alot too.
The hunger feeling is worse at night and first thing in the morning.

The GP prescribed me Lansoprazole Capsules. Has anyone had any experience with these? I've already had two of them and the feeling seems to have got worse, not better.
I'm so worried that I have a stomach ulcer, tapeworm or of course the worst stomach cancer.

09-01-11, 22:20
I can totally relate to your symptoms, I had them for months, it turned out to be gastritis, I was prescribed the same acid suppressants as yourself and it cleared up, only to come back, further tests and I was diagnosed with H Pylori, so was treated for that, 6 months later, improved but not totally gone. I had to change my diet etc and also my terrible health anxiety didn't help, I think with all my worrying I made it worse. Give the meds time and I am sure it will work. :)

10-01-11, 12:35
This sounds like indigestion. It gives you what feels like hunger pangs (pains just under your ribs?) but if it's indigestion, it's acid. This fits with your other symptoms too.

Most likely anxiety. Are Lansoprazole proton pump inhibitors? If so, I've had two different types of these (Omeprazole and Nizatidine) when I had H Pylori. Didn't like Omeprazole that much because it made me feel slightly sick,but Nizatidine gave me no side effects and everybody else I know on Omeprazole hasn't suffered any sickness at all.