View Full Version : When will this nightmare anxiety end?

09-01-11, 20:41
Right now my anxiety is literally "another day at the office". I think I'm suffering long term GAD/Chronic anxiety.

Each normal day results in some kind of panic attack where I feel really funny, at the moment usually weak and dizzy and think I am dying. I'm suffering regular negative thoughts they can be anything trivial to the fearful.

I just feel anxious and uneasy all day really some days the symptoms are awful some they just stick around long enough to annoy me. I do have a genuine fear that I won't meet a g.f or be able to cope with a new relationship. I suffered anxiety with ex's but when I met them I was more active and the anxiety came a month or two in to each. At the moment if I get a date it's a bit of an ordeal just to make the cinema.

I know myself what feeling normal, relaxed, at ease is but usually I never feel that way these days. It's been prolonged for six months or so. At the moment I regularly have whole days or weeks where I don't even feel an hour or two relaxed. But I battle on I feel run down and crappy all day I can tell myself it's anxiety but not believe it. There's no given technique I can use that works to cure it at the moment. Feels like the end of the World every day at the moment for me... I also feel I am unreal..don't feel that I'm alive which is a very strange feeling to deal with.

So will it get better in time?

09-01-11, 21:02
Anxiety is a vicious cycle, and since you are running in such a circle, it can't get better in time unless you take actions. This cycle is perpetually fueled by fear, because fear creates more fear, learn this important lesson : fear and it's related symptoms CANNOT kill you. Focus on lifestyle and dietary changes (Vitamin B-complex, protein and Omega 3 are vital to counter the stress hormones), exercise more, it really does help clearing the brain fog and fatigue. Also, learn more about CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

Good luck. :hugs: It takes lots of determination and occasional relapses but you CAN go through this.