View Full Version : give up

09-01-11, 21:47
im gonna be like this forever i carnt cope does enybody else feel so drained from all this... i feel like im never getting better...i no its health anxciety and its in my head but other times i carnt except that its in my head i mean how does my head make my hear palpate and pulses beeting all over my body i dont understanddd
can enybody talk to me xx:weep:

09-01-11, 21:55
Hey Hanlo,

Hang in there. People do get through this. I'm sure you'll have some encouraging words from others with first hand experience of anxiety like this soon.

In the meantime, I just wanted to reassure you that anxiety can really cause these symptoms. They're not in your head, they're real, its just that your anxiety is making you feel them.

Real the symptoms section of this website when you feel up to it. It explains really well how anxiety causes the symptoms, and made me feel a lot better when I read it.

All the best x

09-01-11, 22:03
might sound strange combg from me just postng i cant cope but it really is anxiety..

ive been told its a belief for somereason we drill in to our heads a belief for me its that im always gong to drop down dead. we get these thoughts then our body goes into panic.

have you been told about the fight or flight?

im no expect so just gong by whaqt ive been told so sorry f i get anything wrong.
but your body is reacting to the thoughts that you are having you are having scary thoughts so your body s preparing to fight or run cos you are telling it theres a reason to panic.

ts all normall with anxiety etc hun and you will get better with the right help and support xx

09-01-11, 22:13
thankyou i no but other times i think what if tyroid disorder
im dont want to go docter as i went with veins in my hands (when i went through a bad time) i thougt they were abnormal and also rabies and i feel like he doesnt wanna no now..my mum has had enough obviously becouse ive had every serious illness theses past months...

i want it to stop now i really do i dont evan no whats caused this :weep:

09-01-11, 22:21
Even if you don't have any of these serious illnesses, you do have anxiety and that's something that your GP definitely should be able to help you with. If they're not interested, you need to see another GP.

Also, perhaps you could show your mum this site? There is some information here for people close to those with anxiety, it could help her understand what you are going through. She is probably frustrated because should doesn't know what's going on with you and she doesn't know how to help.

Keep in mind, you are not doing this on purpose, and you can get help.

09-01-11, 22:23
bloody hell hun ive had so many illnesses its unreal i get fixiated on them thats what health anxiety suffers do.

im having cbt and councilling and we have fgured out where mine comes from ive got deep issues with family.
my family dont understand my husband is trying and got friends that try but my mum ssters ghran etc they get sooo fed up of get patronsing.

we cant dwell on that too much though cos its hard for people to understand you have people on here who understand and who will help you. dont try to find out where its come from f you dont want to just try and concentrate on gettng better x

09-01-11, 22:26
ino he has reffered me to CBT is it not done it yet got to go on tuesday for a assestment
ino my mum doesnt want to no wich makes me get really angry with her and swear alot and tell her she doesnt love me and is watching me suffer i also accused her of trying to murder me wich made me think am i going insane with this

hopefully cbt will help but i just need someone to talk to now,my frind work and mum dont understand so its nice to no on this website people understand :)

09-01-11, 22:33
i believe all those things about my fam too seriously.
you wont go insane your just stressing out with ti all by the sounds of it.

good luck hun and if your getting a assesment than thats defo a step in the right direction x

09-01-11, 22:39
aawww thankyou..i really appriciate youse talking to me kinda calmed me down tonight as i was having another mini epasode.

i think i need to get a boyfriend but everytime i start with someone my anxciety gets in way..
thanks for listing xx

09-01-11, 22:44
dont worry bout bf yet that will come in time

hope you get better soon keep fighting hun x