View Full Version : New & not sure

09-01-11, 22:43
Hi all
Been reading parts on here. Not really sure what I suffer from, was on sertraline for 18 mths. It changed my life, first time ever I was released from constant worrying. Came off it v gradually over several months, thought I was fine but after several bugs in December I'm v tearful and worry so much about what people think of me, have no confidence etc. Think I'll have to go back on sertaline as have tried many other things like omega 3, essential oils etc. But still get obsessing thoughts that drag me down.
Don't feel I can talk openly with any friends though.

09-01-11, 22:45
Hi Jain

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Captain Caveman
09-01-11, 22:50
Hi Jain. It happens to many people - and happended to me too- that when you come of medication, you go well for a while then you have a hiccup. I went back on medication. If I had my time over again, I would not have gone back on it. I got better when I came off my medication. In my opinion, I feel that every time you pop a pill, you are sending the message to your brain that you can't cope. It's time to take back the power. So whilst it will be a roller-coaster ride to recovery, I would encourage you to do your research and learn and see that you can overcome your issues. You could find a therapist to guide you if you feel the need. If you can afford it, try seeing a few therapists to see which one you feel is best suited to you and you feel they know what they are talking about. You can getter better:)

10-01-11, 07:05
I agree cavey:yesyes:

10-01-11, 07:32
Thanks, I just feel my blip is going on for ages. Don't know where to go to find a therapist. I've tried cbt, it doesn't work for me. And i've tried hypnotherapy and nlp recently but it was expensive & not as helpful as I expected

Captain Caveman
10-01-11, 11:26
Don't know where to go to find a therapist.

Hi. Here is a "find a therapist" search engine for you: http://www.cbtregisteruk.com/

I've tried cbt, it doesn't work for me.

Perhaps your therapist wasn't suited to you or wasn't offering good guidance. I think with the right fit, you will see results:)

10-01-11, 11:58
Hey, just joined today, well right now actually. I've been exactly where you are Jain a few times.Started on sertraline many years ago and for the first time ever i felt somewhat free of the severity of the worry i was used to.After a while i thought i'd try n stop the tablets and see how i got on. After the initial withdrawal stage which is pretty bad with sertraline i felt ok but gradually i returned to where i was before if not in a worse place. I started the tablets again and after a while noticed the huge contrast and thought i'd be happily take them forever. However over the years i've repeated this cycle several times i guess because i'd like to be ok without the tablets however my body and mind are still naturally predisposed to be that anxious i guess so currently i'm taking sertraline again tho over time im becoming a lil immune to it. I still feel bad a lot but i can function somewhat with just little things whereas without the tablets i am a complete recluse because of the anxiety. So i've decided i'll stay with the tablets however work on not solely relying on them and try to get better by being healthier so i can feel better about myself. My main problem i feel has been drink as over the years i've drank a hell of a lot as it's the only time i can function amongst ppl for long periods and be relaxed. However i was drinking heavily and it was counter acting the medication and i was felt like i was just living in a blur for the past 3 or 4 years. Since the new year i've decided no more drink in order to let the tablets work and my mind settle so i can work on becoming more productive. Anyway just wanted to share as it's comforting to know you're not alone with what you're going through and if u ever wanna talk about it, msg me please. I've been dealing with severe anxiety now for over 10 years (im 28 currently) so may be able to help or just listen and understand your situation as i know how hard it is to tell friends or family this stuff when u dont really know what it is yourself. Maybe it'll help you figure it out talking to someone.

10-01-11, 16:38
There are several styles of therapy. I have found psychodynamic very helpful but its taken many years. I am currently studying to become a person centred counsellor.x

Vanilla Sky
10-01-11, 21:13
Hi, Just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

10-01-11, 22:16
Thanks all and Feargal, v interesting. Will look into the counselling mentioned. I've seen 3 different therapists, i've had the nlp & hypno aswell and just thought i've done it all. Most reassuring that I'm not the only one.

I've been ok today, I've been working and that forces me to put on confident front as I work in the fitness industry. All I want to do is withdraw and I know it's better I don't.