View Full Version : Strange thoughts like brain splitting into two or brain damage ?

10-01-11, 00:48
I need reassurance to avoid panicking. Can anyone relate ?

10-01-11, 12:54
Strange thoughts are common with anxiety and depression. If you suffer depersonalization as a symptom of anxiety sometimes these thoughts occur.

I can't give much advice but if you search the forum it's common to have these thoughts. Exercise and relaxation will stop any immediate panicking.

10-01-11, 13:17
Hi. Strange thoughts are common, like Phil says. At my worst I have thought I was going to disappear (literally), planes were going to crash into my bedroom, my heart would suddenly stop, I've even had to get my boyfriend to go outside and check there aren't any zombies there (seriously!) and check cupboards for intruders.

All of the things that I've mentioned and that you've mentioned are completely irrational (especially mine, ha ha!) The thing is, you know they're irrational. I don't really think it's possible to disappear, I don't really think zombies exist and you don't really think your brain could split in two. You are aware all the time that everything you are thinking, though extremely frightening, is complete nonsense!

I reckon the reason this happens to us (but don't quote me on this!) is that we're basically like bunnies with our ears pricked up - we've got adrenaline coursing through our system and it's making us believe there's danger that we have to be ready for.

Just remember that what's happening to you is just your natural defence system and try to laugh some of the stranger thoughts off. I know that sounds difficult, but I find trying to look at my strange thoughts objectively then realising they're ridiculous is good for me - I just see the whole thing as a big joke and then I don't feel scared any more.

Don't know if this will work for you but it's helped me.