View Full Version : still worrying about lymph nodes

10-01-11, 09:11

Ive got terrible anxiety about the lymph nodes in my neck,
I first noticed one in september, had a blood test and all came back clear, but for some reason it didnt put my mind at rest, I carried and poking and prodding it and it came up quite big,
went back and for docs at least once a week worried sick about it, then i felt another lump just above the first one, and 2/3 smaller ones on the opposite side of my neck
(all of these lumps are on the sides of my neck, under the ears)
doc changed my medication to sertraline, forst 50 mg, then 100mg, and since taking the 100mg for the last month, ive noticed some nights in bed i sweat buckets, which takes me back to my original fear that ive got some sort of lymphona cancer :weep:
I was doing really well not touching the lymph nodes and they did seem to shrink, not disappear but def shrink down under the skin,
Now for the last few days im poking and prodding again, the one lymph node feels huge, the other 2 smaller but larger than what they orignally were, there are all moveable, sort of squidgy, size of peas, with the biggest one being about a cm or just over (doc measured it for my peace of mind)
Is it possible to have made the lymph nodes worse, like aggravated them so they stay 'up'?
please help ive been worried sick for months :weep::weep::weep:

10-01-11, 09:15
Ive got this huge fear that they are something serious and that im going to die, or get very very ill, the docs have reassured me again and again, so have my family and friends.
ive been in such a dark place thinking about all of this, what can i do??

10-01-11, 16:18
Lymph nodes can flare up if you keep touching and moving them around. Sometimes when I move my head a certain way I can feel the 2 glads under my chin almost grate on my jawbone. I am usually slightly aware of the gland for a couple of days afterwards so think they can flare up when provoked. Maybe the night sweats you were having were side effects of the pills you were on?

10-01-11, 16:41
I'm Kinda in the same place as you Worrier,I have a swollen lymph node under my jaw thats been bothering me a while cos it's causing me pain at time's for months. So i plucked up the courage to go to the GP ( I suffer with HA btw ) and the GP has refered me to see a specialist in 3-4 week's it's gonna be a tough time waiting cos I have 2 young girls and my wife due to have our 3rd in weeks and I feel detached from them cos I get very emotional when I show them affection, I always have a fear I wont be here for them.
I know Im gonna have to try and put my bad thought's to the back of my mind and try to be positive but it's very hard cos i'm in a dark place to at the mo.
Your not alone worrier.

11-01-11, 08:28
thanks for the replies, its a horrid thing to worry about,
i know i def dont help by touching them all the time...i went weeks without touching them and on friday night i had a feel about for them and i noticed them again, also 2 days ago i dyed my hair and came out in a reaction, itching burning scalp and surrounding skin, now the one lymph node is actually poking out of the skin, ive also noticed a bruise on my leg which i read on google (worst thing to do i know) could also be a sign on lymphona, im going to have to try and leave them alone till i can get a docs appointment next week but i just am worried sick again.

12-01-11, 09:23
How did you go on Little Worrier and David?

12-01-11, 11:51
still worrying to be honest

13-01-11, 09:16
Are the nodes still enlarged?

I really don't want to scare you but I have actually had Hodgkinsons Lymphoma, in my neck, chest and then one under my arm, it is a highly curable disease and i've been clear of it now for 7yrs and even gone on to have another child, I was like you, I played about with the lumps in my neck for months thinking my glands where up due to a winter infection i'd had, well it got to summer and they was still there, equmilating and one going bigger so I had test after test and nothing was found, it took the hospital over 6months to diagnose me because it was the following January I found out what I had and that was only because they had to do a biopsy and check one of the lumps because Hodgkinsons disease does'nt show up in blood tests - please, please do not let my post scare you but get your doctor to have other tests done - sounds daft but also try not to worry, keep us posted on what happens and good luck but i'm sure you'll be ok xx :bighug1:

Sorry - i'd just like to add and to put your mind at rest my son who was 17 - 18yrs old at the time also had enlarged nodes for months, becasue of my track record the doctor requested he have a biopsy and everything was fine for him the doctors said it was probably due to his age and hormone changes, so depending what age you are it could just be that. xx

13-01-11, 11:39
well im 23, and that has really really scared me now ive read that.

13-01-11, 11:53
going out of my mind with worry now i actually feel sick,

13-01-11, 12:02
i'm so sorry to have scared you but please, as I said do not worry, they can even be fatty lumps like my mum had in her groin and she was only thin, but do get your doctor to take matters further even if its just to put your mind at rest.

I really really did not want to scare you Little Worrier as I know this website is here to help but that was my experience


13-01-11, 17:10
It's good to hear it's highly curable Adele. as hard as it is worrier you have to try and take deep breaths and relax and try and occupy yourself with thing's to do,when i'm anxious and worried ( which is alot ) I put my ipod on and go running helps me relax a little. I have to wait 3 weeks for my appointment to see a specialist.I could quite easily let my bad thought's run away with me to a point where I wont eat,cant sleep,feel sick and go into a state of zombieness, Im stopping my self google as we speak cos I know I will link something bad to my symptoms. I need to accept that what is gonna be will be but it's hard cos I have a growing family that I support and I get very anxious to the point of utter depression that if Im not here how will they cope, I have to pick myself up and go to work everyday. Anxiety is hard cos I dont know what symptoms are what anxiety or something else it drives me mad. The reason why I went to the doc's in the first pace cos I was getting a pain on and off in my neck and the the doc said my cervical lymph node is swollen on the same side the nagging pain was coming from but I swear that lymph node has been swollen for years. AAARRRGGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!

13-01-11, 17:51
I do feel terrible for scaring Little Worrier but I was only saying what my experience was like, David I also had 4 children at primary school age at the time and do know how you feel with a young family- my anxiety was through the roof BUT there is no pain with cancerous lymph nodes, mine only springed when the weather was really cold, I also don't think you have anything to worry about David if you have had this/these lump for a few years there would have more than likely been more symptoms by now - Good luck and try to relax

Regards Adele

14-01-11, 10:34
what other symptoms did you have?

15-01-11, 07:26
I did'nt have any other symptoms at all really Little Worrier, I always felt fine.