View Full Version : Am i having panic attacks?

anx mum
10-01-11, 10:10
Been doing so well lately with anxiety and panic. Havent felt well for about 3 weeks was pregnant with my little girl and my due date was approching was feeling anxious about the birth getting tearful. Had her xmas eve was so happy had a girl as got 2boys. Really dont know whats wrong with me everyday feeling anxious in tears, feeling dizzy, not sleeping, aware of a fast pulse im even checking this feel like cant breath when this happens im scared and feel alone and summat awful will happen any advice:weep:

10-01-11, 10:29
This sounds very much like a panic attack, I get the alone feeling to seen as I'm the youngest and only one in my family with panic/anxiety attacks, because I'm young-ish and not too sure about my panic attacks the only advice I've been given is, doing yoga 3-4 times a week, drink plenty of water this keeps anxiety levels down (apparently) keep a good healthy balanced diet, and if possible do some excersize. For excersize because I have so much anxiety to go out my house, I do simple jogging on the spot and activities like that on my back garden at least untill I feel better. Don't worry about your heart beating fast either, you wont have a heart attack, that was my problem. You wont have a heart attack, statistics show, you gave birth to a healthy baby girl so you are fine! Hope I helped in the least way. D x

anx mum
10-01-11, 10:35
This sounds very much like a panic attack, I get the alone feeling to seen as I'm the youngest and only one in my family with panic/anxiety attacks, because I'm young-ish and not too sure about my panic attacks the only advice I've been given is, doing yoga 3-4 times a week, drink plenty of water this keeps anxiety levels down (apparently) keep a good healthy balanced diet, and if possible do some excersize. For excersize because I have so much anxiety to go out my house, I do simple jogging on the spot and activities like that on my back garden at least untill I feel better. Don't worry about your heart beating fast either, you wont have a heart attack, that was my problem. You wont have a heart attack, statistics show, you gave birth to a healthy baby girl so you are fine! Hope I helped in the least way. D x

thanks dainton for replying really hate feeling like this god knows why this has come bk again. Yeah i worry bout my pulse cos even when im resting its racing.

10-01-11, 11:22
It does sound like panic attacks bev, I don't thin anything terrible is goin to happen to you. Your like me when I'm really anxious I check my pulse but my cbt therapist says by doing this I'm just keeping the cycle going, so everytime I find out your checking your pulse I'm going to tell you off haha. Aww hun seriously though you know this is panic and anxiety deep down and you know nothing bad is going to happen cos you have been here before and you have come out the other side. Speak to your gp later today as planned see what he suggests xxx

10-01-11, 15:11
Hi Bev
sorry to hear that you a suffering again
It sound very much like panic to me
I find that if I am in on my own for awhile
I start to panic with my heart racing and my head starts spinning as well
Try and occupy yourself you have the little one to look after that should help you
Or put her in the pram wrapped up and take her round the block to burn some of that adrenalin of
You have beaten it before
Look after yourself
