View Full Version : Coming of 40mg of citalopram

10-01-11, 11:46
i havent posted on here in such a long time, well not since my dad passed away...
well have been on 40 mg citalopram for the last 3 years.. and have now decided to get off my meds..
i am on day 5 of going cold turkey off them went to see the doctor today just to tell her what i have decided to do and she is happy for me to come off them....
well is good but my i feel like poop i did alot of research into coming off them gradually and coming off them completley and decided either way i am going to feel the withdrawal effects... so i just stopped the first couple of days werent so bad but day 5 i am feeling it big time is kinda scarey but keep telling myself it will pass soon and i can do this....
over the years with all you guys and family i have become a much stronger person and i really wanna feel like the old me again pre citalopram...
the head zaps and tingling lips are driving me mad, and the feeling of wanting to eat but cant coz you feel sick, and the emotions i cry at anything...
i would love to hear from anyone who has also come off and what they felt like after i will keep posting to let you know how it is going be so glad when i am free....

much love
michelle xxx