View Full Version : gagging symptoms

10-01-11, 12:29

I have posted this before and wondered if any new people have experienced these symptoms. Sometimes, I have this strange gagging sensation, like a dry heave, makes me feel sick, even though im not. I seem to have tracked it to occur at times of nerves, but its really ruining my life and wondered whether anyone had found a cure? apart from tictacs (keeping one in mouth) i cant find any help. Sometimes i cant talk to people, eg: i went to a wedding at weekend and could barely chat to people for fear of gagging, dates and interviews are no no! help!! I have tried to 'not think about it' but that becomes impossible, and ive tried the whole deep breathing thing.

10-01-11, 14:03
Hi Sarah

I get so sicky and often gag when Im very anxious and feel like I may throw up. It makes it hard to eat as I can't face food. The only thing I found helps with all symptoms is distraction. Whatever works for you i.e. reading a book, telly, music. Of course this is not as easy when in company. My dr told me once that anxiety can make your stomach produce more acid than normal hence the symptoms. I went on a course of lanzoprosol and after a month I felt better. My symptoms are returning once again and I was gagging this morning and feel so sick. Im gonna go back to drs if this doesnt settle down to try the lanzoprosol again. In the meantime try an over the counter antiacid to settle your stomach.


10-01-11, 14:22
hi verity,
thanks, mine is more of a throat thing, like my throat tenses..someone suggested a throat spray, i might try that as a relaxant, or maybe bach rescue remedy.. i also struggle to eat sometimes, going out for a meal is no no! i also think of distraction too, sometimes i play with my phone or something..
hope yours gets better..

10-01-11, 14:26
I dry gag when anxious and bring up wind. it often happens in the morning, I don't feel sick just gag like i put my fingers down m throat. if i ate breakfast i would throw it back up, i have linked itw ith anxiety and too much air in my belly.

11-01-11, 18:25
this also happens to me, not really feeling sick but gagging, it is definetly due to anxiety.
the only tactic i have known to help is just stop thinking about it, you really have to disengage with whatever you are doing/thinking and put your mind on something else.

11-01-11, 20:06
You say it is more of a "throat thing" however acid can actually splash up into your throat.
I have Gerd and it certainly does it to me. I tend to cough, which is another symptom of gerd, then gag. I take omeprozol which is brilliant.
I would say you need to try something for acid/reflux and see if it works - no harm in trying and if they dont, just come off them