View Full Version : Will anything happen to me because im tired?!?

10-01-11, 12:40
I know that sounds sooo stupid!!! But i had to ask to put my mind at rest...

I stayed at my boyfriends lastnight - i cant sleep anywhere other than my bed in my 'safe' zone.. so i was up pretty much most of the night!
I know i have to get used to staying at his house overnight so im just pushing myself through it... although i did have a panic attack at 6am this

I now feel absolutly knackered!!! I can feel the tension in my legs and arms and my whole body feels drained and heavy... i just want to crawl up and get in bed butttt, i have a hair appointment this afternoon!!

Im dreading it... im pancking about it, but i know i CANT run away from it!!

Im having a cut and colour so il prob be there over 2 hours (as its my friend who does it on the cheap for me so she just fits me in between other clients so it always lasts longer)

I dread the hairdressers - i feel trapped in the chair, you have to make small talk and pretend to be all happy and smiley and i always look around and everyone else feels so relaxed there... however, it is my friends salon who knows all about my panic attacks i know deep down that i could do out for some air... not that i would allow myself to do that!)

Im dreading it even mroe today but im already soooo tired - will anything happen to me because iv not slept?? I wont die or collapse or anything???
I know it sounds so silly but i feel so drained and energyless and i cant calm down because im worrying my body will just give up because its that tired.... (i normally sleep ok and only had one sleepness night)

Can anyone reassure me about this??

Hair appointment is at 2.30! Wish me luck :scared15: xx

10-01-11, 12:42
Used to stay awake 35 hours at a time several times a week and nothing happened to me :) Tiredness won't do you any harm. You'll feel a bit rubbish today but if you can get an early night (or go to bed straight after dinner!) you'll feel fine tomorrow :D

10-01-11, 12:54
Sounds to me as though the worst that will happen is that you nod off whilst you're having your hair done.

10-01-11, 14:35
you might feel spaced out, lack of concentration, i get shaky when tired, eat lots and drink sugary drinks for more energy.
i had to do lots yesterday on zero sleep i found i did ok but was just too tied to concentrate n would space out a lot.

10-01-11, 15:42
I'm tired all of the time i go to sleep ok but wake about 4 in the morning and get up, Nothing has happened to me except the feeling of tiredness all day long and can't wait to go to bed.

It's the anxiety making you worry, i worry about everything under the sun.
just wanted to reassure you that nothing will happen to you.
best wishes X

10-01-11, 20:04
Thank you for your replies everyone - I know it sounded stupid but I had to put my mind at rest :blush:

I always feel so drained and weak when im tired and i just worry that il just collapse because my body cant take it - iv seen it on the soaps before (guess i shouldnt take notice of any tv programmes lol)

I went to the hairdressers.. was anxious at first but then was fine, laughed and chatted with the staff there cos i already know them all and i was fine, I then went straight to my slimming world group and then to the supermarket..... alot more than i thought id do this morning!

Iv felt knackered and i panicked alot at slimming world because it was soooo busy tonight so i feel drained now and cant wait to sleep!!


10-01-11, 20:11
Hi, I think you've your own mind at rest now re the lack of sleep. Wish I could do as much as you on so little sleep! Take care xx