View Full Version : Am losing hope :(

10-01-11, 13:22
Hi All

Im going through a bad time a the moment. I am currently trying to deal with a chronic pelvic pain condition and anxiety. I turned 30 yesterday and I am so unhappy with my life. I feel a total lack of joy or calm.
I also feel totally alone that I do not have a future, as my pelvic pain conditon can make sex difficult im single and so scared of even trying to date. I think who will want a women with my pain and anxeity issues.
I am trying a new treatment for my pain and my praying this makes things better.
I did well over the last year to deal with the fear of staying in my flat alone and now am back living here and have been doing better than expected.
Things at work were getting hectic and I had to go for a nerve block injection before Christmans and I had a panic attack that night with chest pains and palpitations.
I have been getting the palpitations and strong feelings of anxiety since then. Im dealing with work one day at a time and have been ok. The nerve block has not worked but I got through it.
I think this triggered it all off and that this time last year I had a breakdown so I am almost getting flashbacks and fear that I will get ill again.
Im still fearful with noise and bangs and bumps espcially at night and could be expecting new neighbours soon? so am so scared if I will cope and what they will be like as I have had so many problems with neighbours before.
In a nutshell Im sick, cant eat, not sleeping well, getting chest pains and palpitations and just want to cry all the time.
Im praying that this will pass I just need to know what you guys do when you are going through such a paniky and emotional time?


10-01-11, 16:43
Hi, this is my first post so please be gentle! :) I guess it's different for you to me because I am only 16 years old I am still at school which is different to work. Many people believe that it's a phase which you will pull yourself out of but at the moment I don't believe that at all. I am going through a really tough time too. I have been diagnosed with Generalized anxiety disorder in the past few months but I have had panic attacks for the past 2 years. I know exactly how you feel, I am completley house bound. I'm constantly feeling nauseated (with the BIGGEST phobia of vomiting) dizzy, light headed, chest pain, shortness of breathe, worried etc you know the symptoms. I can't face going to school and my mum is getting in SO much trouble. I'm letting the whole family down and i'm just like the odd one out who nobody wants to understand. I am at my wits end with life and I totally don't know what to do anymore. My doctor is weary of me taking medication because of my age and I wouldn't like to take anything with a side effect of nausea (most medication has) I go to my first therapy session on thursday so maybe that can help me out a little. How about you start therapy too? Have you tried any medication? I know exactly how you feel and I hope things turn out better for you soon. I've lost all my friends and I don't have the life I used to with stupid GAD + depression, It sucks!! :weep:
Aisha Georgiou.x

Just to add - I sleep every 2 nights because I can't sleep normally and I eat 1 meal every 3 days! It's so hard to deal with this.

10-01-11, 18:33
Hi Verity,

Don’t give up hope :hugs:

I think new years and birthdays make a lot of people feel like that – looking back at the past with dissatisfaction, and seeing it repeating into the future. At least for you the two are together. I felt like that when it was my birthday, now I get to feel like it a second time now it's new year :doh:
And I wish I was still just turning 30... :meh:

“I think this triggered it all off and that this time last year I had a breakdown so I am almost getting flashbacks and fear that I will get ill again.”

Us humans seem to like doing that – making associations between things, and attaching significance to numbers and dates. But in the great scheme of things, it’s just another day. Just because something happened this time last year doesn’t make it any more or less likely to happen at the same time this year. I know history sometimes seems to have an uncanny way of repeating, but that’s only because a person pays so much attention to it. They make it into a self fulfilling prophecy.

“Im still fearful with noise and bangs and bumps espcially at night and could be expecting new neighbours soon? so am so scared if I will cope and what they will be like as I have had so many problems with neighbours before.”

A fear of sudden noises is one of the few fears we’re born with, so it’s OK to have that one. But I think you’re making associations with the past and seeing them repeating in your future regarding new neighbours. They could be just the opposite. It’s one of those things that’s impossible to answer at the moment, and trying to do so only causes anxiety – trying to answer the impossible. So try to put that one to the back of your mind until the time comes.

“I just need to know what you guys do when you are going through such a paniky and emotional time?”

One thing is to know that we all go through times like these and that they never last forever. You mentioned a lot of positive achievements in your post so remind yourself of those every time things feel hopeless. It get’s things back into perspective again. Also, try to get your sleep and eating into a better routine. I know it’s hard when going through a tough spell, but a good night’s sleep and a healthy diet can make a huge difference.

Take care :)

10-01-11, 18:49
Hi Aisha
:welcome: to NMP!
I’m sorry that you’re struggling with this at the moment. It doesn’t help when friends don’t seem to understand, and when people take that ‘pull yourself together’ attitude. It’s good that you have some therapy arranged for later this week.

New year – new start :)
What do you think :yesyes:

“Just to add - I sleep every 2 nights because I can't sleep normally and I eat 1 meal every 3 days!”

As I said to Verity above, sleep and nutrition play a huge part in the way we feel. The mind and body does most of it’s rest and recuperating when we sleep, because that’s the time when thinking and physical activity aren’t required. So a good night’s sleep is vital.

The brain uses more of the body’s energy than any other single organ, but most people don’t think about where that energy comes from. It comes from the food they eat. It’s hard for the mind to think straight and cope with life when it’s running low on fuel. Even different types of food can have a big effect on a person’s mood.

Take care Aisha, keep us updated on the therapy :)

10-01-11, 22:05
Thank you guys, I managed to get it under some sort of control today and I really thought these feelings would last all day!

I have to keep telling myself that 'this too shall pass' tell yourself this too Aisha

Thanks Nigel I must take one day at a time but its hard not to think 'what if' all the time. Am going to get an early night tonight and I think I maybe able to eat better tomorrow.

Godbless xx