View Full Version : How do I get rid of this wooziness?

10-01-11, 14:44
Hello! I've posted on here before, but it was quite a long time ago because I was pregnant and had a baby this past June. Although I've had a very stressful year (had a baby, grandmother passed away, moved to a new home last month, financial difficulties because I lost my business, etc.), I need to find a way to get rid of this wooziness I've been experiencing.

It started during my pregnancy and has not gone away. I talked to my OB about it while I was pregnant and just recently with my GP. Both of them tell me it's anxiety because I am a healthy 32 year old and I know in my heart that it's anxiety. My GP prescribed Xanax for me. I've taken it in the past, as needed, but lately I seem to need it daily and only because of the wooziness - that's the symptom that bothers me the most. My heart used to be the focus of my anxiety, but now it's this wooziness. Here's what happens: I'm usually OK at home, unless there is some reason for stress, but I can work through it. The problem comes when I am out in public, especially when shopping. I start to feel pressure in my head and my ears, vision gets weird - it's hard to explain - I can see everything just fine, but it feels like my eyes are straining?,feel woozy and off balance and like I'm going to fall over or pass out! When I take a Xanax, I don't experience these symptoms, but I have to take it BEFORE I go out in order for it to work. I also have 3 children, so it worries me that something will happen to me at the store and they will be left there, in the middle of the store, all by themselves while mommy is unconscious!!

I don't want to take medication every time I go out. I try to get out of the house every day and that means I'd be taking medication every day!My doctor only gave me 20 pills right before Christmas and I only have 12 left now. I didn't think I would use this many!

I don't know what's going on here. For some reason, shopping and going out has almost become a trigger for me. I don't understand why because I LOVE to shop! It's what helped me through my anxiety for the last 4 years....getting out and getting fresh air, doing something I enjoy. Now I fear it. It's almost like I dread going because I know I'm going to start feeling bad!

Someone please help me get through this. I've done CBT in the past, but it didn't help me. If I could get rid of this wooziness, I think I'd be in really great shape! I don't think I would have much anxiety left over at all! I don't want to sit at home for the rest of my life because I start to feel woozy when I go out! I know I can make this stop because I am positive it is anxiety, but just telling myself it's anxiety doesn't help. Any advice would be appreciated!!

paula lynne
10-01-11, 15:12
Hi Nellie, many congratulations on the birth of your baby x

This woozyness does sound like anxiety. I feel like this most of the time, and even worse before a period. Im now at a stage where I get on with my day DESPITE the dizzy feelings. I let it beat me for too long, and spent days just sitting in a chair. You CAN have a relatively normal life, woozyness and all.

You are starting to display agoraphobic behaviour, avoiding going out because of the woozyness. You can nip this in the bud now. You need to believe you can go out, woozyness and all, and you will be ok. Take the woozyness shopping with you. It can do no more than..make you woozy. Dont forget, this is a SENSATION, not a symptom of some horrid disease.

Read Dr Claire Weekes, "Self-help for your nerves", theres a whole section on these dizzy feelings.

Im visiting my dad in hospital later, and Im taking my woozyness along for the ride. It is not going to prevent me from going out. It will not hurt me. It will get bored with me soon enough, and may even give me the day off once in a while!!!

I hope this helps, youre not alone x Paula:hugs:

10-01-11, 15:22
I just hate this feeling! I'm not worried so much about myself, but I worry what if (there it is....the "what if") something happened to me while my kids are with me. My girls are 7 and 5 and my baby boy is 6 months old! Not only do I not want them to see something bad happen, but I worry about them being left behind. I guess this also extends into my fear of dying, because it would be the same situation, but in a different way - kids are left with seeing something bad happen to mom and are left alone. I guess this is my instinct to protect my kids, but at the same time it's fueling my anxiety!

But thank you Paula!! You are absolutely right - I'm not going to let this stop me! I tried letting palpitations stop me when I was first diagnosed with anxiety. My heart was my big fear. Finally, one day I just gave up worrying about them. All of my medical tests were normal, doctors were not concerned about my health. So I let it go. And here I am, two years later and palpitations don't bother me anymore. I still occasionally have them, but only when I think to myself "hey, I haven't had any palpitations in a while"!

So when I go out later today, I'll just have to take my wooziness with me. Hope it gets bored with me sooner rather than later!

paula lynne
10-01-11, 15:36
Youre welcome x

Now, start saying SO WHAT IF.....!

Ive been suffering with bad palps too, about 2 years. Like you, I have them, but dont focus on them. Well done you for giving up worrying about them!

If you feel funny when out with your kids, sit down. Take a breather. Trust me, nobody is going to think your a freak, most people are to concerned about themselves to notice whats going on. You arent going anywhere, stop worrying about the future so much, and focus on being a good mom and enjoying your kids TODAY.

Ive got a good feeling about you, youre going to be just fine. You already know how positive thinking turns off those sensations, youve already dont this with your palps. You can do this with your woozy too!

So yes honey, take it with you, and it will get bored with your lack of attention soon enough.! Nice to meet you x

10-01-11, 16:24
Nice to meet you too Paula! And thank you so much....sometimes it just takes someone to remind you that you can do it! You are my someone and I really appreciate your advice!

I try to remind myself that some people pay good money to get that woozy feeling....but we get it for free! Hope you have a great day! :)

paula lynne
10-01-11, 18:23
Thanks Nellie, glad to be of help. You can PM anytime if you need to. Id like to be your someone! x

Have a great day yourself, say hi to your woozy from my woozy wont you! :D x