View Full Version : Going from 20mg to 40mg of floroxetine

10-01-11, 14:50
Hi I haven't posted for a while.. I have anxiety and depression and the doctor prescribed floroxetine 20mg.. I was on them for 8 weeks, but still getting symptoms so I went back to my doctor and he increased the dose to 40mg.. It is 10 weeks today since I started taking floroxetine, but only taking 40mg for just over a week and 4 days.. I was doing well and then this morning I had a blip with symptoms of anxiety, I was wondering if it could be side effects and to wait another week till I go back to the doctors to ask his advice.. Has anyone else found this?? (excuse my spelling).. :)

10-01-11, 15:13
Hi there, I am on Citalopram so can only comment on that, but I do know that an increased dose can take up to 4 weeks to settle in. Saying that, even on the right dose, I think we always get blips now and then, we just need to think positive and see it as that 'just a blip'. xx

10-01-11, 15:36
yes its just a little side effect i had it when i was on them just takes a while for your body to ajust to the increase it will pass

10-01-11, 19:06
Thanx 4 your replies I do appreciate it.. It's reassuring 2 know I'm experiencing side effects and not the dreaded anxiety rearing it's ugly head again so thank-you... :) xxx