View Full Version : New Year depression?

10-01-11, 14:50
The past couple of days I have suddenly gone really depressed. I could feel it descending. Everything seems so boring, dull, and a grey colour and yet I do have things to look forward to...going away and other things...but even then I am not really bothered about that. I have got no anxiety at the moment, just this awful unhappy whats the point of it all feeling. :lac: I just want to sleep lots.
I called the surgery to see if I could get in with a gp this week and was told 'No appointments'! so when I explained the situation, I was told the surgery pharmacist will give me a call me tomorrow. :unsure: I am going to ask for an increase in meds or something else to go with Citalopram for when I get down like this.
I am trying to do all the right things, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercise - walking, being postive, but when depression hits, it is so hard isnt it? I don't think its hormonal.
I just feel like everything is a bit pointless. I hate feeling this way!!!

paula lynne
10-01-11, 15:04
Hi Poppy Im sorry you feel so low at the moment. A lot of people seem to get the January "blues" as I call them. I hope that the surgery pharmacist can give you some helpful advice and support tommorow. Sleeping a lot does sound like a depressive episode, but all the positive things you are doing is sure to be helping your body and mind, well done Poppy. This will pass. Be gentle with yourself, and know that there are lots of people here who care about you very much. x:hugs:

Hazel B
10-01-11, 15:06
Poppy, I hope this passes soon and you start to fell brighter. I'm thinking of you, take care.:hugs:

10-01-11, 15:11
Hi Poppy, really sorry to hear you are feeling down. You are doing all the right things in looking after yourself and its a good idea to see your GP. I had an awful first few days of the new year, so I have been upped from 20mg to 30mg (on 25mg at the mo) and I feel a lot better. Look after yourself. xx

10-01-11, 16:12
Hi Poppy,

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down. This time of year often causes the blues....alot of us feel down at the moment even like you say when you have things to look forward to. I do think that the fact you want to sleep sounds like depression but at least you have taken the right steps by contacting the surgery. Hopefully you will get the right advice and feel alot better soon.

Take care.

10-01-11, 22:58
Thank you all for your replies. They have helped so much. Thats why I like this site so much -When I have no one who I can really turn to - well I do but I feel like I am boring them - I can come on here and bore you all instead lol...seriously though, it really does help having here to turn to. I don't know what I would do without the support of this site. I would really miss it, if it were to end. At least on this site we can all relate to each other.
I am still feeling so down. My eyes have shrunk to nothing and I have circles underneath them. My face looks drained.
Does anyone else notice changes in their face when they are depressed?
Big hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs::flowers:

10-01-11, 23:01
Poppy i am sorry to hear how low you are feeling. Its hard when we get down and trying to get back up again. You are not alone in this i think often after the festive season theres a low as ll the hype had been and gone and feels empty for a while. Look forward to you hol and do small things that you enjoy, wel done for keeping going and trying to be in a routine tc

10-01-11, 23:12
Poppyc, :hugs:and :)xx

10-01-11, 23:13
HI PoppyC,

sorry to hear your not feeling too good, hope you feel better soon. :hugs:



Hazel B
11-01-11, 12:40
Thinking of you.


11-01-11, 19:05
Hi Poppy C :hugs:

I hope you start to feel better soon. January always seems to be a depressing month. I feel sorry for it!


11-01-11, 21:31
Where have you been??????????????Its been ages!!!! How are you?????? Is everything still going well for you???:hugs:

11-01-11, 21:34
So down still
Just watch this link - in fact dont watch if you are down!
Got an appointment next Thursday (earliest appt!) with mental health team doctor, to discuss my medication.
I want to get better, but why wont it happen :weep:. I love life but why is it so difficult to be content at times??????

Hazel B
11-01-11, 22:09
Sending a big hig:bighug1:x

I hope it passes soon.

11-01-11, 22:24
Dear Poppy I really feel for you at the moment. To come on here and admit that you are depressed and suffering. That is true courage. I have struggled with depression throughout my adult life. It takes courage, determination and strength to get through this and you will. With the help and support from your friends here on nmp you will come through. It might seem a long time till the Spring but the signs are already there. It is not a sign of weakness or failure if you need anti depressant drugs to help through this rough period. It is a struggle boldy borne. Do not expect too much of yourself during the next few weeks. Try and focus on the future and plan some treats and good things to do in the next few weeks. I'm not an an advocate of sleeping during the day but if a nap helps with the radio and a book and for me a favourite cat then indulge.I did at the weekend with a hot water bottle and sometimes choral evensong. I always feel that during a depressive spell that I need to 'turn a corner' to start feeling well again. Hopefully you will turn a corner soon Poppy whether that is through music or something else I hope so soon. EJ.

12-01-11, 02:09
Hello, I'm relatively new to this site, and I've also felt worried that depression is falling on me again. This tends to feed my anxiety, bad both ways now. I'm trying really hard to keep busy with school work and friends, and make sure I exercise. I'm seeing the GP on friday after a week and a half wait that's been killing me. We will all get through this, and we're not alone.

12-01-11, 19:27
Hi Poppy,

I’m sorry that you’re feeling so low at the moment. I think this time of year makes a lot of people feel like that for lots of different reasons.

Despite feeling that winter has been dragging on for ages, it’s only been a few weeks since the shortest day. Jan/Feb are always the darkest, coldest, gloomiest months of the year, and the lack of natural sunlight can effect some people.

After all the hype surrounding Christmas and New Year, this time of year often feels like a really low point. On top of that, for many people it’s just sinking in how much they spent over the Christmas period :ohmy:

Some people look back at the previous year with sadness and regret – missed opportunities and a wasted year. Or they look to the new one and see it unfolding in the same unhappy way. I always feel miserable at this time of year too, and for those reasons. I want the next year to be better but feel unable to make any changes. It does feel depressing thinking that all I can do is try even harder to do more of the same old things that didn’t work last year :meh:

Sorry, I’m not exactly helping, am I? At least it helps knowing that lots of people are feeling miserable at the moment, and it helps to know that there are some good reasons for it.

BTW, research has shown that 24th Jan is officially the most depressing day of the year. So when that’s past we can look forward to better times ahead.

Take care :)

12-01-11, 21:10
Hi Poppy
I'm quite new here too but I just wanted to say hope you feel better soon and I feel very similar to you at the moment as well, all I want to do is sleep too! Hope things start to feel a bit brighter soon. xx

Hazel B
12-01-11, 21:55

15-01-11, 20:28
Thanks everyone for all your lovely understanding replies and all your good advice.:hugs:
I hope you are all ok and that I didnt depress you all?
I am now beginning to feel a bit more optimistic and positive -'turning the corner' - like ElizabethJane said, in her earlier post. I am starting to want to eat again too.
I have been forcing myself to get out, and exercise and all the rest, even when all I wanted to do was sleep, and I think it has helped.I got lots of sleep too.
[QUOTE]Nigel: Some people look back at the previous year with sadness and regret – missed opportunities and a wasted year. Or they look to the new one and see it unfolding in the same unhappy way. I always feel miserable at this time of year too, and for those reasons. I want the next year to be better but feel unable to make any changes. It does feel depressing thinking that all I can do is try even harder to do more of the same old things that didn’t work last year :meh:
I agree with what you wrote Nigel. There are so many things I want to do too, but guess what! - the same old issues hold me back. It is depressing I agree. I can't think about it too much or I will get down again lol Maybe we should try even harder???
I see the mental health team doctor this coming week, so hopefully he will adjust my medication. Maybe our bodies get used to the meds sometimes and then dont work so well???
Hugs and love to you all. :bighug1:

Hazel B
15-01-11, 22:30

Hope you feel brighter. x

15-01-11, 23:02
Hi PoppyC, Well done for going out!:yesyes: I know how difficult that is when we're down there.xx

16-01-11, 10:59
Yes I have to say I have noticed my face does look different, my counsellor at one point thought I was stoned as the citolpram makes my eyes go funny.. How long have you been on them? I have been on them 5 weeks and am still feeling terrible. I have been signed off work. I really hate feeling like this as am normally a party loving life girl... I have been doing some great exercises that seem to work if only for a short period of time, their are by Paul Mckenna, they distracted your mind if only for a few minutes. The daily mail was publishing them last week, the book is called ' make me happy'. I think anything is worth a try:)