View Full Version : Feeling really rough - advice please

10-01-11, 16:58

I have been feeling Ill since wed when I got a sore throat but now I have runny nose, headache, cough, still got sore throat but only hurts wen swallowing Or coughing mainly. Is this just a bad cold or could it be swine flu? Any ideas? I feel so awful. Can anyone relate?

Please reply ASAP

Love Louise XXX

10-01-11, 17:05
Do you have a high temp ? Do your joints ache ? Do you feel like you are sweating one min and cold the next ? Either way all you can do is take painkillers ,get plenty of rest and drink plenty .If you have green phlegm you have a chest infection ,you will then need antibiotics .Stay away from other people to avoid spreading it and cough into a tissue .Wash you r hands regularly and im sure you will be ok .It can take a few weeks with this latest virus to feel better .Ive had it for nearly a month .Sick to the back teeth with it .I hope yours clears up soon .Hugs Sue x:hugs:

10-01-11, 17:07
I feel the same hun. I think its just a cold and been run down. Hope you feel better soon xx