View Full Version : My first post, can someone help?

10-01-11, 17:29
Hi everyone

I thought I would join this website as im having a bad day with my anxiety.

My anxiety usually starts the day after ive had a fair amount of alcohol which is something I have now planned to knock on the head as it really isnt worth it.

I get really nervous about being left on my own, 'what if I lose control' etc etc its a vicious circle as thinking about the 'what ifs' gives me heart palpatations and horrible symtoms which in turn makes me worse.

I also some of the time have dark thoughts, ive got a 5 month old baby and I think what if something happens to her? all the time which drives me mental and I have to distract my thoughts.

Also im terrified of enclosed spaces, ive had bad experiences on planes, trains which has put me off getting on them now.

Time for a life change, I do enjoy a drink but its going to have to be cut down dramatically. Also im starting a meditation class tomorrow.

Im just looking for some words of comfort, some advise or something. Has anyone else experienced some of the stuff im talking about? I feel in utter despair at the moment :-(


10-01-11, 17:30
Hi samjk

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-01-11, 18:05
:welcome:Hi have just replied to this in anxiety. EJ

10-01-11, 18:08
Hi and :welcome:to NMP im sure you will get plenty of help and support here .t/C Sue x

paula lynne
10-01-11, 18:15
Welcome aboard x Read the info in the left hand column, some great advice.
Alcohol and anxiety dont mix, as a lot of us know here. Well done for starting to cut down, thats a great positive step.
A huge number of NMP members suffer palpatations. Knowledge is the key. One day, you will be able to get to a point when youll get palps, but they wont bother you. Once you break the "what if../fear cycle", youll find the palps will lessen. The article on palps on here is great. Nice to meet you x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
10-01-11, 21:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

12-01-11, 00:23
I'm claustrophobic as well and it got really bad when I was "forced" to take a flight on one of those really little planes because I had a performance in a town that only had those planes.

The claustrophobia was always bad, but got really bad when I had to be somewhere for 2 hours where there was hardly any room.

I hope you feel better soon and your baby will be just great!!