View Full Version : please help me

10-01-11, 17:52
Hi everyone

I thought I would join this website as im having a bad day with my anxiety.

My anxiety usually starts the day after ive had a fair amount of alcohol which is something I have now planned to knock on the head as it really isnt worth it.

I get really nervous about being left on my own, 'what if I lose control' etc etc its a vicious circle as thinking about the 'what ifs' gives me heart palpatations and horrible symtoms which in turn makes me worse.

I also some of the time have dark thoughts, ive got a 5 month old baby and I think what if something happens to her? all the time which drives me mental and I have to distract my thoughts.

Also im terrified of enclosed spaces, ive had bad experiences on planes, trains which has put me off getting on them now.

Time for a life change, I do enjoy a drink but its going to have to be cut down dramatically. Also im starting a meditation class tomorrow.

Im just looking for some words of comfort, some advise or something. Has anyone else experienced some of the stuff im talking about? I feel in utter despair at the moment :-(


10-01-11, 18:02
:welcome:Hi Samjk and welcome to nmp. Well done for attempting to cut down on alcohol. It wont be easy and I expect that you will do it with the help of A.A? Have you talked to your GP about your anxieties and dark thoughts? When my son was young (he is nearly thirteen) I tried to go out with him as much as I could. We went to toddler groups such as 'Tumble tots and NCT coffee mornings anything to break up the day. It might be an idea if you have a chat to your health visitor to see if there is any other help available for you both? There is always someone 'online' here for extra support as well as the chat room. EJ.

10-01-11, 18:40

Thanks for the advise, its much appreciated. I think the alcohol thing is something i can do myself. I don't drink every day just enjoy a drink.

Ive been to counselling before which helped me a lot and in a way i was 'cured' i went to the doctors this time as I was having chest pains and they checked me all over and told me a had anxiety. I havent asked for any help as I want to make a few changes to my lifestyle and see if that works first.

Being on maternity leave does get a little lonely in this weather, cant wait till summer when I can stroll round the park and get some fresh air :-)

10-01-11, 18:47
Hi hun and welcome.

Anxiety after a lot of alcohol is common. Alcohol messes with your blood sugar which in turn makes anxiety worse. Cutting down or out competely will problably help.

I also think you are allowed to be anxious if you are a new mummy. Who wouldn't be and again that is a normal reaction. And your hormones will still be settling down too.

A meditation class is a great idea, and i hope you have a good health visitor who you can talk too. You have had a lot of changes and babies are hard work.

Congratulations on becoming a mummy and take a day at a time, get plenty of rest.

If the anxiety is still a problem get to your GP for share how you are feeling. You dont have to do meds but just to share your feelings and get some support will really help.

There is also lots of great advise on this site that you will find useful.

Looking forward to getting to know youxx

10-01-11, 19:06
Hi samjk, congrats on your new baby! I agree with Ditzygirl's advice. I'm a lot older but def remember those 'early days'! xxx

10-01-11, 19:12
Aww thanks very much you two :-) its nice to have people that understand. I can explain how im feeling to my other half but he cant fully understand as hes never experienced anything like it xxx

10-01-11, 19:15
oh bless your OH, He is probably re-adjusting too.

Let us know how the medition class goes, I'm curious.

10-01-11, 19:29
Yeah I will do altho im not sure how to work the site yet :-/ xxx