View Full Version : 'Rush' up back of neck into head

10-01-11, 19:15
Hi all,

I don't know if this symptom has anything to do with stress/anxiety, or if it is something just quite normal for everyone that I have become highly sensitised to.

Now and again through the day I get a kind of whoosh/rush/surge going from my mid neck into the base of my skull. This odd sensation lasts only a second really. It almost feels like blood rushing, it isn't a panic attack, but it kind of feels hot and comes with the speed that adrenaline does.

It happens when I suddenly get hot, by walking into a hot room from the cold, or suddenly exercising and a second or so later my face feels hot. My blood pressure is fine, I have no heart conditions, no raised pulse or anything else worrying, just this. I can't deny it is starting to worry me now, and you know how it is, the more you become aware of something the worse it gets.

Can anyone relate to this odd sensation themselves ?

Thanks for reading

10-01-11, 19:59
i can relate to this. i get all sorts of weird feelings/sensations in my head that even my doctor doesnt understand when i describe them to him
take care x

10-01-11, 20:52
Lol some mysteries for your doctor to solve ey ?

So, have you have something like I am describing then Emma ?

10-01-11, 21:06
I occasionally have a rush from my left shoulder , up neck and across head like warm goosebumps. Im told that comes from muscle tension though.

10-01-11, 21:20
Hi, I also get similar sensations. I get a cold tingly feeling but not just at the base of my skull but in my arms too. I feel as if I'm going cold. But for me I think it's because subconsciously I'm worried about something and probably not breathing right or an effect from a slight panic attack. I've learned just to try breath correctly and just relax and eventually the sensations leave. Initially the feeling is as if you are about to pass out isn't it. Really weird. But not doing anything about it I've learned that it isn't anything serious. Hope this helps.

10-01-11, 21:33
Thanks for replies all, it is like a hot rush of blood, very sudden and quick and then my face burns. Saying that, lets be honest, we are all having some really odd things happen that are hard to describe and most likely caused by our tension - so probably this is no different.

10-01-11, 22:12
Carys, :hugs:, I read your post earlier. I didn't respond as I was unsure if I felt the 'rushes' as you described. Now that I am more aware, yes I can say I do get it. So, yep it's 'cos we're more aware of 'feelings' when we're anxious. Take care x

10-01-11, 22:14
Thanks :)

11-01-11, 07:45
Carys, i find my head rushes really hard to describe to people but it does sound similar to what you are describing

mandie x

11-01-11, 17:20
What do you mean by a 'head rush', something adrenaline based ?

17-08-13, 05:26
I had the exact same thing happen to me, just happened 15 minutes ago and was really scary, I felt a pinch dizzy before it happened, got scared and whoosh, it felt like a surge of blood just went up to my head. I even began to perspire a tad so I layed down until I was sure I was okay and drank a bottle of water.

17-08-13, 21:40
yup, I've experienced this once, at the same time as a big panic attack. Must have been the adrenaline. Really scary, had to lie down for an hour so can empathise.