View Full Version : Feel sorry for myself

10-01-11, 19:23
I started the year brightly and went out first few days but then I just seemed to slip back to old ways. I feel like a backseat spectator in my own life so scared to go out..not sure what I want anymore. I have no confidence about meeting a g.f as I keep being let down. My hours at work have been cut to hardly any just finding it hard to be positive?

In a way I like having little to do all day but I know I need to do better. I sleep on to 12pm most days can't be bothered getting up. I just let anxiety beat me up at the moment. Seeing a counsellor for a third session tomorrow but my parents are not sure shes helping. So feel hopeless with that too.

Just feel really low about time, age, work, my love life..feel nobody can help me and I can't help myself..anybody got any tips to cheer me up? Just feel fed up. :lac:

10-01-11, 19:38
Hi, sometimes seeing a counsellor brings up stuff and makes us think..which sometimes makes us feel we're 'doing a backward step'. We're not. Stick with the counsellor if you want unless you 'don't feel right' with that person. Good luck! (It's normal to have up and down times).x