View Full Version : ovary pain ????

10-01-11, 19:32
hi im really scared i was diagnosed with polycistic ovaries a few months back and the past couple of hours ihave had a pain in my right ovary :weep:

it hurts when i stretch and its even worse when i cough.
im petrified thst something is going to burst when i cough has anyone else suffering from from polycistic ovaries experinced this.

im so scared that the pain is going to become unbearable and ill have toget rushed to hospital or something :weep:

10-01-11, 19:35
Streching and coughing suggests muscular maybe? Whereabouts is the pain? I quite often get pain around my lower tummy and the sides of my tummy - where I presume the ovaries are as I had a scan of mine not too long ago to check for PCOS.. I think you'll be OK to be honest :hugs:maybe try a nice hot bath/hot bottle and some ibuprofen? xx

10-01-11, 19:37
i get pain like that with my ibs x

10-01-11, 19:38

I dont have polycystic ovarys but i always know when i am ovulating because i get so much pain, last week i could bearly sit down without getting a stitch like pain and like you said if i coughed it was really bad. My best friend also gets this too. I tend to get the worst pain on the right side, where as on the left when i ovulate i just get stabbing pains now and again.

Please try not to panic as that and the anxiety is giving you the horrible thoughts of becoming ill. Take some strong pain killers and try to rest.

Hope you feel better soon

10-01-11, 19:43
thanks for the replys feel a bit better im not the only one its just really weird it seems toease when i put my knees upit does feel like my ovary and when i cough it feels as if one of the cysts are going to pop.
And its not a constant pain ?? mostly when i cough it feels like someone is sticking a knife in and its going to pop sorry for repeating myself :blush:

10-01-11, 20:05
ok i googled ovarian cysts and them bursting (please dont google your self though as you may 'think' you are getting the symptoms!) apparantly this is very rare. YOu are not exibiting the symptoms expected if it was a burst cyst and apparantly burst cysts are NOT life threatening.

Please try and relax, im also sure you wouldnt be able to feel the sensation of soemthing about to pop.


10-01-11, 20:20
thanks mary its just worrying wonder what it could be then ?? x

10-01-11, 20:27
Do you know where you are in your cycle? I get that pain when im ovulating

10-01-11, 20:33
no because of my polycistic ovaries thanks for all your reassurance though im hoping thats all it is :unsure: xx