View Full Version : Please Don't Be Mouth Cancer

10-01-11, 20:13
It's been a long time since I posted something here, since I've been making some progress, with CBT on the way, and with support, I'm on my way back...until I checked my throat.

For a Diagnosis, I had a Swollen Lynth node, A white patch in the back of my mouth (Could be more), my throat feels a little sore, a bit of difficulty swallowing quite heavy food, but can still eat, and no difficulty breathing. My tounge is white, I have some sort of painful lumps above my top wisdom teeth, and I can feel some sort of lump on the root of my mouth. I also have this feeling, like something is in the back of my throat, Like when you have food around the back of your throat.

I don't drink (Due to fear of Mouth Cancer), I don't smoke (This is due to choice), But I do have bad mouth Hygeine. In other words, I rarely brush my teeth. I try to, but I'm either distracted or due to some obsessive behaviour, It's not in the time frame I set.

I always knew this would come back to haunt me.

Thinking about this, makes me very upset. I'm still quite young (22 Years Old), and I haven't enjoyed myself due to this stupid anxiety, and fear of health and dying, and it could end up being Mouth Cancer. People around me drink and smoke like no tomorrow, yet I show signs of mouth Cancer.

It's a scary though.

I am planning to arrange a Dentist appointment, but there's a problem...I've never done it before. I haven't been to the dentist since 2002, that's around eight years. before that, My mother would arrange the appointments, but she won't tell me what she did.

Not only Do I think I have mouth Cancer, but I can't arrange anything to sort it out...I really need some help.

10-01-11, 20:23
Hi B.B.M., Yes it sounds like it's due to bad oral hygiene. But as you've said you have a sore throat aswell, maybe telephone for a dr appointment if that's easier. Or ring NHS direct and explain the situation + (re dentist) and I am sure they'll advise you what to do and give you telephone numbers if needed. Take care xx

10-01-11, 21:17
Yes, NHS Direct can tell you about the dentists in your area. It might even be worth asking if they know if any specialise in 'nervous' patients. I have seen dentists advertising themselves as such.

At 22, you really don't have to worry about mouth cancer my love. Make an appointment, go and then get a sense of relief, you'll be fine.

10-01-11, 23:15
your problem's probably not mouth cancer, it's anxiety. Get it checked out

and think about why you are wasting some of the best years of your life obsessing about rare diseases - i wish I was 22 again, the time's too precious to waste like this

Good luck and keep working on the treatment

10-01-11, 23:15
what about the age of 32 who drinks and smokes with the same symptoms but dont have the swollen lymphe node?

11-01-11, 03:16
I have an Update:

I've just noticed a large and red lump on the left side of my Tounge. I can feel it rubbing against my teeth and gums.

I'm very, very scared, right now...I can't think straight.

Should I phone NHS Direct first, or arrange an emergancy dentist appointment?

11-01-11, 07:01
Maybe it's a yeast infection of the mouth (white stuff), or the red bump may be a canker sore (I get those when I don't take care of my teeth well). In the U.S. dentists now screen for mouth cancer, but whatever it is you should get it checked out -- and start brushing your teeth!! In your case, I would be more concerned about having dentures, because I work with the elderly and dentures are not fun.

11-01-11, 07:45
you should read my posts about my wisdom teeth infection :roflmao:
you don;t have cancer you need to see a dentist, 8 years is far too long.
if you don't have a fever or much swelling then ring up a dentist and make an appointment, get an x-ray of your teeth.

11-01-11, 18:38
I tried phoning my dentist today, but only got through to his answering machine, which was odd, since I phoned around the times they took bookings and were open.

I'll have to just try again tomorrow, but I was hoping to get some reassurance from my dentist.

I'm thinking of phoning NHS Direct, which has been recommended by some of you. I've never used it before. How do I use this service, and how good is it?

11-01-11, 18:46
Hi, sorry you were unable to make an appt with dentist. NHS Direct are very good. Their phone number will be in tel. directory/online. They will ask for your details and ask for a telephone number they can contact you on. They will then phone you and give you advise. Good luck xx

11-01-11, 18:51
Hi, sorry you were unable to make an appt with dentist. NHS Direct are very good. Their phone number will be in tel. directory/online. They will ask for your details and ask for a telephone number they can contact you on. They will then phone you and give you advise. Good luck xx
Thanks for responding.

14-01-11, 10:39

NHS direct phone number is 0845 4647

di x