View Full Version : A large amount of fear

10-01-11, 20:26
Hello everyone just a quick post about how i feel i have the all clear about my heart gp says theres nothing wrong with it even thou i have slight furring of one of my arteries, i have had a asthma review today and my peak flow was 680 so that was fine ive been under a lot of stress over the xmas period because i became homeless arfer living with a flatmate for 5 years now i have a flat and i have to live on my own but today i was sitting at my desk and i had what i can only describe as an explosion in my stomach and my face has been tingling . Could this be caused by stress????:weep:

paula lynne
10-01-11, 20:33
Hiya, sounds like an adrenaline surge to me, and the facial tingling is definately anxiety. Once you settle into your new place Im sure youll start to feel much better. Try not to dwell on it, thats the worst thing you could do. Start tomorrow as if it never happened. You could check out "symptoms" under PROBLEMS/ISSUES in the left hand column, youll see what youve experienced is common. :)

10-01-11, 21:30
Hi, sorry you're having such a hard time. Your tingling is SO common to those of us who suffer with anxiety/panic. I get that if I'm breathing incorrectly. I start to hyperventilate. The advice on this website about taking 4 breathes in and 6 out slowly should help. Or breathe in and hold your breathe for a while and breathe out for a while. Def stress. It will definitely pass. You've come to the right place to ask. Take care.