View Full Version : Help! HA setback, so scared!

10-01-11, 22:26
Hey everyone, well lately, I thought I had been doing really well, not feeling as bad and feeling myself again, but over the past few days, I've had a major setback, :weep:after thinking I was going to get Meningitis after accidently drinking a bit of my co workers drink at work on Friday night, I've went downhill, I thought I wasnt scared of Meningitis now that its been 3 days, but I have symtoms this morning, I'm sweating and it feels like I have a fever, yet In can also kind of feel this mornings little bit of rain chill in the air despite feeling sweaty and warm and its not warm today either, I have been freaking out all night though I admit it, but still. I'm now also scared that I'm going mad and that something is also mentally wrong with me as well as physical and I'm been really upset and panicky all morning. I also feel a bit of nausea (that has stayed with me for weeks and I dont know why) :shrug: and also a small headache. The inside of my mouth also feels hot and gross like it does when you're really sick, and I'm gone back to feeling really tired, even after a goodnights sleep and I just dont feel like myself either, please, can anyone help me with this, I'm so scared!! :weep:

10-01-11, 22:38
does your co worker have Meningitis ?

10-01-11, 22:40
i can relate with teh set back hun smae happened to me i was feeling amazing really felt like i was moving on i got the flu and thats it.

we have to remeber its just a set back and try not to let it eat us up keep hold of how good it felt to be feleing like your usual self and aim for it chin up hun x