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11-01-11, 02:14
Hey guys. Im still having a lot of anxiety since the relative passed away. My breathing is still forced and labored and my pulse is racing.

I just wanna know, with amxiety making your heart race constantly between 90-135 with anxiety, am I slowly killing myself?

Ive read Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for Your Nerves dozens of times and I even sleep with the book under my pillow if I wake up in the middle of the night panikcy.

Im really terrified of dying young with heart issues. I know deep down i dont have any heart problems with all of my tests coming back normal. But my fast pulse is making me thing craziness.

Claire said in her book that no one has ever died from panic/anxiety nor has ever ended up with a bad heart because of it. But is this really true? I hope.

11-01-11, 02:59
Anyone please?

11-01-11, 03:22
Anxiety is quite a scary ride, but it won't kill you.

11-01-11, 06:40
I had to do a double-take because I thought I had written the original post. My HR is also constantly elevated 80+ in addition to my blood pressure. I am only 22. I know how you feel. We just need to learn to relax. Anxiety is a FIGHT or FLIGHT scenario, our sympathetic nervous system is really kicked into high gear almost constantly. I also chalk it up to dehydration, stress, and lack of sleep. I am trying to exercise and take care of my body, but the anxiety thing isn't under control and I know how you feel being worried about your heart -- every day I think I'm having a heart attack =/

I think stress is only one of the factors that are attributed to heart problems. It's my limited understanding that heart problem are usually multifactorial (unless you have a genetic heart defect) including family history, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, etc. But I am not a medical professional by any sorts (only a nursing student).

11-01-11, 10:16
Speaking as a sufferer with over 40 years unfortunate experience, I will give a couple of pieces of advice to begin with.

1. Stop checking and/or taking your pulse.
2. Never, ever take your blood pressure (unless told to by a doctor).

Do not worry about your 'racing' heart. Mine has been doing that for years.

Start to worry ONLY when the bloody thing stops!!!!!

You'll be fine my friend.


11-01-11, 13:30
Speaking as a sufferer with over 40 years unfortunate experience, I will give a couple of pieces of advice to begin with.

1. Stop checking and/or taking your pulse.
2. Never, ever take your blood pressure (unless told to by a doctor).

Do not worry about your 'racing' heart. Mine has been doing that for years.

Start to worry ONLY when the bloody thing stops!!!!!

You'll be fine my friend.


Totally agree. Your heart rate/bp fluctuates anyway. If you've had a bit of stress the bp goes up, if you stand up too quickly or are experiencing strong emotion/pain your bp goes down! I've even heard it can dip if you're hungry! There is absolutely no reason to monitor bp or pulse unless you have to for a pre-existing medical condition. I know it's difficult not to check yourself when you're anxiety but, just as constantly checking your body for lumps and bumps will, it will make your anxiety worse! One part of beating HA is to learn to stop checking :)

As for the original question. No. Everything I have read says your panic will not land you with a bad heart. Your heart is designed to respond to adrenalin. You will be fine!

11-01-11, 13:35
An average heart rate is anything between 60-100 according to medics. This must mean that people live their lives with a heart rate of 100 constantly and that this is classed as normal and ok. Your pulse wont be constantly at 135, i have a normally high pulse of 80+ but when im at work it is always in the 100's+ but at night i have noticed that it can be around 65. I would also recomend that you try and stop or at least limit the times you take your pulse.

anx mum
11-01-11, 13:49
Hey guys. Im still having a lot of anxiety since the relative passed away. My breathing is still forced and labored and my pulse is racing.

I just wanna know, with amxiety making your heart race constantly between 90-135 with anxiety, am I slowly killing myself?

Ive read Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for Your Nerves dozens of times and I even sleep with the book under my pillow if I wake up in the middle of the night panikcy.

Im really terrified of dying young with heart issues. I know deep down i dont have any heart problems with all of my tests coming back normal. But my fast pulse is making me thing craziness.

Claire said in her book that no one has ever died from panic/anxiety nor has ever ended up with a bad heart because of it. But is this really true? I hope.

Hi mark just read your thread, im exactly the same. For the past few days my heart has been racing over 100bpm. Have been so scared anxious and having panic attacks. My doc has put me on beta blockers to slow heart down. Dr clare weeks book is really good ive experienced many symptoms i believe what she says even tho the symptoms r so real. Pm anytime Bev x