View Full Version : what could the reason be?

11-01-11, 02:42
so i am stuck with yet another question about this never ending misery! Soon it will be 7 months of never ending all consuming anxiety over nothing! i do not seem to "fit" into any kind of anxiety type. i have no fear of anything in particular, no social fears, no spiders , planes or trauma. no particular consuming health fears, no phobias, nothing that i can relate to and attribute this anxiety to. i just deadly afraid of anxiety as soon as i open my eyes and exhausted by faking my way thru working, being a mom, cleaning, cooking blah blah... dragging this horrible feeling with me day in and day out. it will eventually take away my ability to continue to fake it as i am weakening daily. i thought i was feeling better but the last 3 days make me just want to give up or do whatever people do that are defeated by this. why are some days good and you are excited that your old self may be returning and then... all the hell comes back. can barely stand it anymore.

mr badger
11-01-11, 15:49
Sorry to hear you're flagging B.

You say you were getting some improvement and relief but the last few days have been especially tough. Think about the good stuff as much as you can.

Have you got some good support? I'm not sure how medical services are set up in Canada but even here in the UK you can find some help even if you have to be quite assertive sometimes.

Take care - are you able to get plenty of rest?

12-01-11, 00:43
thanks for response..seems to me you have more supports than we do here in canada. i am not sre why that would be ... makes little sense to me. however i do see my dr tomorrow and he did say he would be sending me for cbt in the new year. hopefully that starts some changes for me. did join yoga class and start on saturday... willing to try anything to feel like the old me! been doing some cbt online (not canadian) but feel little relief. i do sleep well... but utterly exhausted to my soul . maybe just having a bad period.

12-01-11, 05:16
the fear of feeling anxious?
are you aware of any anxious thoughts?
do you worry a lot?
are you getting enough sleep?
what tests have you had done?
Thyroid tests should be done every 6 months.
it's good to have blood work to check your b12, calcium and iron levels.
also a multivitamin plus omega 3 would be good.

just asking because you dont have any "fears" :-)

mr badger
12-01-11, 08:44
Let us know how you get on with the docs, B

12-01-11, 21:53
thanks for your responses... i suppose it is a little ridiculous to say i have "no fear" . of course i do have some. what i meant is i do not believe i have extreme fears or worries that would cause this anxiety. i have 5 kids...all girls...so of course i worry. But i think i have the "normal" amount of worry that a mother has for her children. maybe i am wrong..maybe i am alot more worried or fearful than i think and not at all "normal". how would one know? i have 2 doctors app.ts this week...one with the hospital phychologist that gave me paxil last july, and with my family doctor for a complete physical exam...i will get all blood work done as suggested..thanks so much for listening... feel a little foolish for saying i had NO fears.. I just figured everybody does and should not cause this degree of anxiety.. going to have to do some thinking and soul searching

14-01-11, 12:37
so, went yesterday for app.t at hospital. the dr had told me before christmas that if there was no improvement, he would be looking at other options. he brought in a cbt lady and introduced us. she asked alot of questions and agreed to work with me starting next week. she was very enthusiastic ( i thought) and said she felt i could make some very positive changes. I was very encouraged when i left there. My youngest daughter will leave in august to complete 4th year university in Austria. I have never been seperated from this lovely daughter for more than a week since the day she was born. this is a new developement and certainly never started this anxiety issue, but need to get stronger and well to accept my empty nest. very very emotional about it although i do believe an excellent way for her to go. bawling my eyes out now and can see the challenge coming my way. i now have complete physical exam on tuesday and cbt lady mentioned checking adrenals.... not sure what that is all about but will mention to doctor. i feel a little better knowing i am atleast doing all the right things