View Full Version : Eczema/dry skin and stress - daft question

11-01-11, 08:01
Hi all,

All my life I have suffered from eczema and some pretty bad flaking skin on my scalp which I know can be stress related.

Weirdly, when my HA was really coming out and I was panicking on a daily basis, my skin completely cleared up. Now, as I seem to have most of my panic contained and am returning to pretty much normal, my eczema and dry skin have flared up again.

I was just wondering when I was 'externalising' my stress by panicking whether that helped it clear up and now I'm 'internalising' it again, it has manifested itself in the eczema symptoms.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this or similar experiences?

11-01-11, 13:31
maybe so. about 7 years ago i was under a lot of stress but didnt feel stressed at the time, i was also working a lot of hours at work, anyway my neck was absolutly coverd in eczema, something i had never suffered with before. As soon as i realised that i was actually stressed and having anxiety attacks the eczema went and has never come back! How strange!