View Full Version : HELP!!!!!

26-03-06, 11:39
If anyone has read my post 'let me tell you what happened' youl know about my weekend so far. Im worrying really badly because ever since the show finished ive had this sick feeling like all i wanna do is lie down and i dont wanna give into it but if i dont lie down i feel i might collapse. Im having such doubts now about everything thats been happening to me i 100% think that i am seriuosly ill or something is wrong with my blood but ive had tests and its all good. i dont know what else to do its kiling me to live like this everyday, in fear and worry about what will happen next. im loosing mates because i make every excuse not to go out because i feel terrible and im scared what might happen to me. is that what anxiety is all about. feeling sick or ill before deciding whether to go out and because u feel so s**t the anxiety then gets the beter of u and wins? x

26-03-06, 11:50
katy i think this is what general anxiety or health anxiety is about. and many times it can lead to slight agraphobia or maybe severe. but it doesnt have to.

claire weekes book talks of how the symptoms can trick people into staying at home for fear of having a turn or attack. fear that they will look silly or fear that they will get really sick with the panic attack. many feel that if if they are in the safeaty of their own home, at least what ever happens it is in the safety of their own walls and outsiders cannot see what they are going through.

i really think these books of calire weekes would help you. especially essentail help for your nerves, which i think deals with all your issuse of fearing goingout. ect. i have gave this bok to many people who fear their symptoms so much they begin to stay indoors and i totally understand how this could become your comfort zone.

does this help

26-03-06, 17:18
Hi Katy

I understand how you feel and how hard it is to keep your head above water. It feel sometimes like a roller coaster we cant get of but we still dont know when the next bump is going to come round.

Take your time hun and when not feeling anxious think about how you can rationalise how you feel and try when you become anxious to look back to how you felt when you were having a okay time. It happens hun and it will get easier. This constant dread and fear will give you breaks then the longer breaks come along. We are all here for you and undertstand how you are feeling.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 19:21

The comment Nigel made is so true, We are convinced that we have some deadly disease but if this was the case the our doctors would have picked this up. It is so so hard and I can totally relate to the having to lie down feelings,

Take Care

Wendy xx

27-03-06, 19:56
Go out, have fun, thats the key to defeating Anxiety

When your with your freinds having a good time, you won't even think about whats wrong with u and if something happens and it pops into your mind close your eyes and tell yourself thats it just anxiety

When i first started suffering from my Anxiety like a year ago, Stuff would happen like I would see sparks in my vision, or get light headed or something of that nature and I would just break out in sweat and think "omg whats wrong with me something has to be wrong" but now I'v kind of just learned to deal with it... I still get worried about some things and come here and ask but i dont let it run my life aynmore and u shoudlnt either, if u get asked to go out.. then go against ur feeling and just go out =)