View Full Version : Pain left chest

11-01-11, 10:25
Hi all

Have posted about thus before but it's back and annoying me.

A while ago I had this odd ache, squeeze feeling deep in my left side in line with my boob. At first I worried it was my heart and no end if people told me it wasn't. I was told it was muscular by the dr.

It went away for a while but yesterday it cane back. It is accompanied by a nauseous feeling and a feeling of like regurgitation or food stuck in my throat.

The feeling almost feels like trapped wins but the dr said I couldn't possibly have any stomach feelings in that area of my chest.

I'm at a loss as inkjow they won't take me seriously if I mention it again but it us bothering me.

Had anyone had anything similar or know what this could be?

11-01-11, 10:33
Pretty certain this is just the old Anxiety playing up again.

I have the chest tightness and the pain in the left arm, had it for some years now, I no longer take any notice of it, although it is annoying agreed.

A doctor once told me to lift my left arm in the air when I went to see him about this. If you feel the same when doing this then apparently, you're fine!

11-01-11, 13:26
Do you suffer with acid reflux? I get this at times and it causes me no end of pains and problems round my chest. My husband is prescribed medication for acid reflux (he doesnt have anxiety) and he described having lots of different types os chest pain and when he described it to the Dr he said it was 'classic' acid reflux. It would also explain the feeling of regurgitation and food bein stuck in your throat.


11-01-11, 13:59
They are most likely right that the pain is not heart related. I went through something similar last summer and it was indeed anxiety related - that and the fact that I had taken to sleeping on my left side with my left arm tucked under the pillow. And as others have mentioned, acid reflux can also cause pain in the area you are experiencing the discomfort.

16-01-11, 14:20
I gave been getting reflux yes.

The pain is now on both sides and kept me awake most of last night.

The dr said you can't get stomach or acid discomfort in your sides. Which makes me worry ad to what it is.

I'm worried it's stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer or my liver.

16-01-11, 14:41
Hi, indigestion 'causes pain where you said (at the start) and it hurts! If you're worrying about all this, you'll be tensing up and causing the other pains. Take care x:)

16-01-11, 14:58

I'm sorry, but I disagree with your doctor. You can get pain there due to acid indigestion/reflux. I have GERD and have had many endoscopy's, chest xrays and heart tests etc. I also overbreath and hyperventilate sometimes and I get a lot of pain/twinges in my chest and upper back. My doctor told me it was all related to trapped wind and muscle spasms as all tests are clear.
In fact, a friend of mind had a medical procedure done where they inflate your stomach in order to see more clearly - when she came round she said she had the most awful pain in her shoulder and the consultant told her it was trapped wind and very common.
Hope this helps

Judi xx

16-01-11, 17:01
The pain is in my actual sides. Two dr I spoke to said it wasn't possible to get digestive pain there.

16-01-11, 19:07
The side pain due to tension. The muscles get tight there when you worry. xx

16-01-11, 20:53
hi i also get simalar pains in the left side all around my hart and down my left arm the doctor told me it was muscles but i dont think it is i get tingleing also were the pain is and im convinced that somethink is siriousley wrong with me