View Full Version : Frustrated

11-01-11, 11:16
I am 40 and first suffered with anxiety when I was 20. I managed to get by and went to University, moved around and worked regularly. However, the anxiety returned after my father died and I am not working now.

I have a house and a mortgage. I am worried about my future! I want to be well again, but get no support. I live alone and no one close to me even remotely knows how I feel. I feel desparately alone in this struggle and so joined this group to meet friends who understood.

Frustrated? Yes, my mind wants to fly, but my body wants to put the brakes on me adding to the success I have already had. Perhaps, I need time again, but I really felt I was over the anxiety years ago. Twenty years ago I was young, I had my parents, I had so much to look forward to. Surely I still have many things I can achieve despite having anxiety at times.

11-01-11, 11:17
Hi Gent1970

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-01-11, 13:26
Hi and welcome.

Sounds like you are having a really difficult time anyone in your situation would be anxious too.

I imagine you are still grieving for your father which is very difficult and only time can help you there. Do you have a good GP to share your feelings with ? I am sure if you google bereavement you will find a support group to help with the grief and now you have found us to help with the anxiety.

Please please don't give up. We, on here, understand totally. Have a really good look around the site, there really is some great info and you will be relieved that you are not alone in your feelings.

You do still have so much to look forward - with or without anxiety and we are here for you every step of the way.

Looking forward to getting to know youx

11-01-11, 13:28
Hi Gent1970, welcome to the forum.:)

11-01-11, 14:39
Hi There,

I am Michelle, I joined here a few weeks sgo. I am suffering with quite bad anxiety and a few phobias. I have been off sick on and off throughout the last year. I returned last week after seeing occupational health dept.

I have diagnosed myself as having agraphoia as my main problems are going out and I avoid things which mean I am far away from home. I dislike places where I feel trapped. This is causing me major problems at work as I am supposeed to visit people in their own homes. I've had to reduce my hours by a third to enable me to get back to work but finances are a real worry for us as well as we have a big motgage.

When u say you're off work are u still employed and off sick or have you handed in your notice? Have you been to citizens advice to see if you would be elidgable for benefits of any kind? It must be really hard trying to deal with this all on your own. I wonder why you say that nobody around you knows how you feel? I know that nobody can understand until you have had anxiety but by sharing your feelings may help you to feel like you're not so alone.

i lost my Dad last year as well. You sound so sad at the end of the post. You are certainly not alone and YES, there is hope for the future that we will all find happiness and make more happy memories, BUT we must not give up....otherwise this awful anxiety can take over our lives, all the best,

11-01-11, 15:36
And thanks for a warm welcome from you all. I am sorry if my post tappered off at the end and gave the impressin that I had given up hope. I have by no means, but its really good to talk to supoortive people.

I was made redundant, Michelle, after spending 6 months on Statutory Sick Pay. It was not all bad as the pay out I received helped clear the arrears on my mortgage.

In terms of coping I am ok, I am trying to find work, but in the back of my mind I feel my anxiety may try scupper my options and longevity in a position.

Financially, I don't need hand outs, as I am very resourceful, but just someone real to lift me would I am sure help me get back on my feet again.

I have toyed with the idea of starting my own business as I know that 20 years ago when I was in a similar place throwing myslef into University really distracted me enough for the anxiety to go completely. I am hoping for a repeat performance :-)

Thanks again,

Vanilla Sky
11-01-11, 21:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

eternally optimistic
11-01-11, 21:47
I am 40 and first suffered with anxiety when I was 20. I managed to get by and went to University, moved around and worked regularly. However, the anxiety returned after my father died and I am not working now.

I have a house and a mortgage. I am worried about my future! I want to be well again, but get no support. I live alone and no one close to me even remotely knows how I feel. I feel desparately alone in this struggle and so joined this group to meet friends who understood.

Frustrated? Yes, my mind wants to fly, but my body wants to put the brakes on me adding to the success I have already had. Perhaps, I need time again, but I really felt I was over the anxiety years ago. Twenty years ago I was young, I had my parents, I had so much to look forward to. Surely I still have many things I can achieve despite having anxiety at times.


The whole thing with anxiety can make you feel alone, very isolated, stupid and angry - well it does me.

Being as you have arrived on here, you can now put that behind you to some degree...

How right you are about wanting to fly but your body puts the brakes on,
it sure does want to make you do a handbrake turn, doesnt it..

I have had those thoughts, life has ended, not literally but that there is no hope, there is hope for us all.

Good luck for the future and hope to see you on here again.

11-01-11, 22:10
Hi Gent1970, you'll find loads of support on this site..