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View Full Version : really worried now... please help

11-01-11, 12:40
I was doing so well and not posted on here for a while as a result. I've had a sore throat for a while pretty much every morning which tends to go after a glass of water, but now it seems to be coming on and off through out the day. I dont have cold or flu symptoms. (had really bad cold before xmas). I also still seem to be having a bit of blood on the tissue when I blow my nose in the morning. The worst thing I did was ask dr google and discovered that throat cancer can start in the nose.... now im really worried.

Does anyone else have a combination of these symptoms or know what could be the cause?

Please reply... really worried!!!!

thank you

11-01-11, 17:35
has anyone got any ideas what it could be?

11-01-11, 17:49
Maybe your sore throat is because you aren't drinking enough water. I often wake up at night/in morning with a terribly sore throat until I drink water and also throughout the day. Our central heating dehydrates us something terrible. So I think it's just that.