View Full Version : went to the doc today!

11-01-11, 13:25
hi all

i finally went to the doctor today with my symptoms and fears of diabetes. he tested my urine and said it was fine and the symptoms i am having are probablly due to my anxiety, urniating, dry mouth, tiredness and stomach cramps. now i should trust my doctor shouldnt i? but i am still sitting here worrying. he has given me Gabapentin which are ok to take with citalopram. so two questions

1- do i just listren to what the doc said
2- has anyone had Gabapentin

11-01-11, 15:50
1) Yes. Every symptom you have is one linked to anxiety.
2) Never heard of it, sorry.

It's quite normal for anxious people to worry despite being told they are not ill. I think that at the end of the day the only way to feel better is to learn to reassure yourself rather than seek reassurance, because you'll always find a way to doubt it.

I hope you start to feel better

11-01-11, 23:24
Yes and to know that nobody can be 100% certain about their health 100% of the time

if you are well today and the GP says you are OK that is enough, but it's not enough for us HA sufferers as we don't live in the present, we are obsessed with fears of the future.

Your problem is not diabetes, it's anxiety, I used to worry about diabetes too and finding out I didn't have it did NOT take the health anxiety away, it just moved on

Good luck and hope you feel better soon

12-01-11, 05:25
diabetes would show up in a urine test, so would infections, kidney problems even high blood pressure in a typical test.
do you still fear you have diabetes?