View Full Version : Womb/bladder

11-01-11, 14:14
It's another month until I see the urologist again (went two months ago and was diagnosed with overactive bladder disorder) and I'm still feeling very anxious and wish I didn't have to wait!

The pills I've been given have helped with some symptoms but not others and changes since I last saw the urologist (such as excruciating period pain having never really suffered with it before, a swollen urethral opening and constant discharge) are driving me nuts! It's partly the anxiety and partly the symptoms themselves as they are a real nuisance and extremely tiring. I'm also a bit worried that my symptoms follow my monthly cycle getting far worse as I approach my period then almost disappearing in the last few days of my period then slowly building up again over the month.

Like a fool I have Googled this and found all sorts to do with both the womb and bladder and, perhaps somehow coming across as someone who isn't a hypochondriac (I'm not sure how I'd have managed that!) my urologist made the mistake of mentioning cancer last time I was there. However, she did say that I would be far too young so it's unlikely. I'm only 24.

I'm not too worried about cancer because I have had this for a year and nothing has happened to me and I don't think it's got much worse, just changed a little. I'm more worried that the urologist said I didn't have to come back if I was "Cured" but would need to if I wasn't because I'd need further tests. I don't know what they're testing for and that scares me.

Oddly my biggest fear is not that it will turn out to be something really serious but that it will be incurable. Due to the relative mildness of my complaints (seem terrible to me but they're not like people who are really very ill) and the fact it hasn't worse, it is likely something non-serious. And besides that, even if it was serious I'd be relieved if they could cure it! My worst fear is institial cystitis as they don't know what causes it and it's incurable. I am also worried that it may turn out to be overactive bladder but I know that in some cases it can not be cured, only managed.

I don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life. For the last year, I have not been able to enjoy sex and am only able to do very moderate exercise due to the discomfort. At certain times of the month it gets so bad I can't sleep and due to the exhaustion and stress that has come from this I had to go part time at work but became so stressed about money I now work all hours freelance to try and make my wage up to what it was. I'm just not myself anymore. I used to enjoy sex and exercise a lot and I felt much healthier (and younger!) I'm even worried about how this is affecting my relationship. I met my boyfriend after the illness started so I have never enjoyed sex with him. I love him very much and our relationship is wonderful but it does feel like there's something missing. Because I don't relax enough during sex I never get the satisfied feeling or the warm glow so it doesn't feel special to me. To be honest I only do it because I want to be normal and I want to be close to my boyfriend, but it doesn't really feel that close. It doesn't feel intimate like sex used to because I'm just waiting for it to be over!

At the moment I'm just feeling down in the dumps with the whole thing. I need the toilet all the time at the moment (because I'm about to come on my period) but it's not like just needing the toilet frequently, it's literally constant, and my external parts (easiest way to say it...) are tender and sore. I'm also terrified of my period coming up due to the horrendous pain I went through last time. I've never felt anything like it and I really don't want it to happen again!

Sorry, this is just a bit of a rant really. I just want it to go away! I want my life back!

11-01-11, 21:48
Hi there

You were very helpful to me a couple of weeks ago, you might remember.

I just wondered if you had looked into pelvic floor dysfunction that can cause the pelvic floor muscles to be too tight that in turn can produce symptoms similar to cystitis/UTI's as well as general soreness and burning in the genital area.

It almost certainly seems this is the cause of my problem and I have been doing some exercises to loosen things up and have visited a Physio that specialises.

Interestingly, my symptoms always got a little better a day or so into my period too and I'm thinking now it is maybe because I use a tampon which 'opens everything up' and therefore relaxes the muscles??? One of the therapies the Physio mentioned was using a cervical dialator and they look a bit like a tampon applicator!!

Anyway, I just wondered if this had been considered in your case.

PS. Can't believe you're only 24! You seem so wise for one so young!


12-01-11, 13:13
PS. Can't believe you're only 24! You seem so wise for one so young!


Oooo, you're making me blush :D Thank you.

I had read a bit about pelvic floor dysfunction and considered it, particularly as I get a kind of muscle strain feeling in the area that I wondered about.

I'll have to see what the urologist says. Trying not to go thinking about conditions until then!

Just hope it's something they can fix :( I'm getting so upset about the whole thing!

Is the physio helping?

12-01-11, 21:57
Hi again

Since I started doing some squatting exercises 10 days ago I would say the symptoms I've had for 5 mths have improved by 80%!!!!.

All I've done with the Physio is talked and she has just given me some other tips and hints. She would like to carry out an internal exam. but I'm a bit reluctant, so I'm going to carry on with the exercises for a month and if I have no further improvement, I'll go for it then. The point being she'll be able tell how tight my muscles are when 'resting'. Physios also do internal massage of 'trigger points'.

The exercise I have found most helpful is to stand with my back and palms against a wall and then slowly slide down the wall opening my legs (soles flat) like a frog. Stay there for 30 secs and repeat half a dozen times - it's all about relaxing those muscles.

It might be worth a try as I doubt it can do any harm.

Let me know how you get on.

Donna (old enough to be your Mum, but I doubt as wise!)