View Full Version : WHO CAN ANSWER THIS????

26-03-06, 15:31
The one thing we always think with anxiety is we are physically or terminally ill with a disease no doc can pin point. Many things that we thing are wrong with us is


and many more, but have any of us tried asking ourselves if we had a brain tumour wouldnt we be in so much pain and wouldnt be able to focus talk or even eat, i know we lose our appetite with this or gain weight but i think with brain tumour we would definnately be bed bound. Cancer again is another illness that has many diff symptoms but gradually im sure something would of happened.

Does anybody who is part of NMP know anyonbe who has actually suffered with the above because maybe you could talk us thru the differences between what we or i have got to what the Actual patients suffered?

Hope people do find this helpful as i want everyones minds at rest not just my own


26-03-06, 15:48
Hi Katy

Yes my Uncle had cancer & a good friend had a brain tumour & another has Ms. Still all to raw to think about let alone talk about at pres, plus soon its the aniversary of my lovely Uncles death.

People all over the world suffer everyday with these awful illnesses but it does'nt help the rest of us to dwell on them otherwise we will make ourselves ill with depression & anxiety.

Life can be so hard at times & we have such a short time on earth that we need to strive to be as happy as we possibly can.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

26-03-06, 15:53
Hi Katy,

I agree with Alex that it doesn't help anyone to think about symptoms of specific illnesses, that just makes health anxiety worse.
I know people who have had cancer and other illnesses, some of them got very ill and some hardly felt ill at all, symptoms vary from person to person, even people with the same type of cancer etc.
If anxious people become aware of symptoms for various illnesses, they just worry even more if they happen to have that symptom. For example a headache can be part of so many illnesses but you can also get a headache for simple reasons like being tired, hormonal or thirsty or just through stress.

Health anxiety is awful, I know as I suffer from it and it does make us believe we are really ill and of course we then start imagining the worst but knowing about illnesses doesn't help anyone. I know this from my own experience and from what my CBT lady told me.


26-03-06, 19:34
Hi Katy

This is so true, When I had what I Though was a Heart attack or a stroke, I managed to drive myself 5miles home, Let dogs out and log online to post here - Anyone having a Heart attack or stroke would definatley not have managed that yet at the time it feels so real, If we could just get this sorted in our minds think we would come a long way, deep down we know its anxiety as we are members of the NMP Site not the Heart Foundation or MS Society, I just so hard to change the thought process but we can do it xx

26-03-06, 20:31
The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)
struggling... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6901)
TAKE A STAND?! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6823)

Living in my head 24/7 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6491)
ITS ALWAYS AFTRWARDS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=775)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

27-03-06, 14:02
hi katy,as every one has said ,there is no point comparing illness symptoms,makes matters worse !Like others on here i have lost so many people to cancer,too many,i have had it my self Katy too!Health anxiety is different as then it helps to know that we all feel the same[daft half the time!!]you are right sweetie,if you were terminally ill,you would have moved on in that illnes by now.So you are on the right track,just BELIEVE IT!Love Mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore