View Full Version : Can't shake lung cancer fear and House M.D. isn't helping

11-01-11, 17:35
For weeks now I have been having this unshakable fear that I have lung cancer. I am 39, non-smoker and just had CBC and blood chemistry work done last week. The tests were fine. I have been having a constant pain in my upper back near my left shoulder blade for this time that is worse when I take a deep breath. I am also fearful of some shortness of breath I have had but I think (hope) that this is from anxiety. I have a bit of a cough but who knows if this is psychosomatic or not. It isn’t helping that while surfing the TV last night I came across two different episodes of House and since I can’t watch that show without getting scared I never do but in the 4 or 5 seconds I was on each episode both times they are telling someone they have lung cancer. I know that it is crazy but I am fixated and irrational. I have posted about this fear and brought it up to my doctor who listened to my breathing and did not seem too concerned and I have had many wonderful people respond to my posts telling me that they don’t think I need to worry but you all know how that goes. Anyway thanks in advance to any posts you may send my way.

11-01-11, 17:40
Hi, I had a similar problem, pain in my back/chest when i breathed in, especially while walking around. It turned out to be gas related and went away after a few days.

11-01-11, 17:54
Thanks for the note but mine has been around for a few weeks but does seem to be worse in the morning so I keep hoping it is muscular and related to poor sleeping posture.

11-01-11, 18:50
Never use House as a Diagnosis tool. Most of the stuff on it, is inaccurate. That's what makes the show good.

If your doctor doesn't see any problems, then you should just relax. You're right about the shortness of breath, that's a normal symptom of anxiety.

If you can still feel pain around your shoulder blade area, it could be your sleeping position. I end up getting these random pains occasionally, and wondered where they came from, then realised it's due to the position I slept last night. Try sleeping in a different position, or invest in a new comfy mattress.

If that's not the case, ask your doctor.

11-01-11, 20:28
Thanks for the input. I will try to calm down

11-01-11, 23:00
Why should you have lung cancer? OK It's quite common but is mainly caused for cigarettes.
House was your 'trigger' but it doesn't mean you have the disease, it means you suffer from anxiety about cancer.
I worry about lung cancer too and my trigger was hearing it mentioned on the radio. It doesn't mean I have it. Of course I obsessed about the times I did smoke, the times I might have been exposed to asbestos, etc, but again, that doesn't mean I WILL get it.
Good luck, get some massage or acupuncture for that shoulder and recognise this as an anxiety disorder (of course, nobody can guarantee you WON'T get lung cancer, but the risk is probably smaller than you think, and that's all that any of us can say)