View Full Version : breathing

26-03-06, 16:00

I feel as if im really struggling to breathe,i cant get a deep breath or yawn properly.
I cant eat because my throat feels swollen and my stomach feels very bloated right at the top
Im so uncomfortable and i feel really spaced out,i dont think i am getting enough air in
When i do try to eat,i feel like its all stuck .I cant speak properly and im scared
Im so so tired
Ive tried stretching etc because my chest and back are sore but it hasnt helped

Please help
Hunny xx

26-03-06, 16:05
dont panic hun its all part of it i get this too. when u say spaced out dya mean lightheaded x

26-03-06, 16:08

Yes,and like i can hear people speaking but i cant take part in it

I feel so swollen and sore,i can only eat about two mouthfuls and feel as if im gonna spit it all back out(sorry gross)
I cant breath properly

Hunny xxx

26-03-06, 16:10
do me a favour put your feet firmly on the ground breathe in for 5 and out for 5. then think of something that has always made you happy, do for me being at family parties. then do the breathing excersise again in for 5 out for 5 and then tell me what happens

26-03-06, 16:20

Im worried because i cant get a deep breath.When i breath in my shoulders end up round my ears and my chest hurts

Thank you for replying,i know you are trying to help but i am terrified[xx(]

Hunny xx

26-03-06, 16:54

It sounds like you are hyperventilating quite badly, that will cause everything you're describing and I know it is scary as I suffer from it too.

If you can, try and slow your breathing down a little bit and try and breathe from your diaphram not your upper chest - don't worry if you can't though, it can be hard to do in the midde of hyperventilating. Don't worry too much about counting breaths in and out if it's hard, just try and make the out breath longer than the in breath, again don't worry if you can't so that straight away. If it helps put one hand on your tummy and one on your upper chest and see which is moving, it should be the tummy hand that moves.
You will be getting enough air in, in fact when we hyperventilate we can get too much air in and our oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are unbalanced and this causes alot of the symptoms you're getting.

The eating/tummy thing is happening because you are swallowing air while hyperventilating, I get that too and it's horrible isn't it.

Hang in there, I know it's scary but I really do know how you feel.

Lisa x

26-03-06, 19:22
Hiya Lisa

Thanks for replying

I have had it for the last few days or so

I am forcing food down because i know i have to try to eat
When i breathe it is my stomach that is moving but its so forced that its painful
My throat feels swollen and im always trying to clear it,its so sore and uncomfortable,im scared its going to close up or that its actually asthma or something
Hunny xx

26-03-06, 19:22
Hi Hunny

I know only too well that feeling of not being able to get a deep breathe, I have and do suffer from it, in the past it has been horrendous, it is really scary and hard to believe you can make yourself feel this way, it is of little consolation to know that your not alone though isn't it, I'm actually not too bad with the breathing at the moment but am suffering terribly with my throat symptoms, I cannot eat and have had nothing since Friday evening which is not good for anyone, but we have to believe it will get better.

Take care and remember we're not alone.

26-03-06, 19:25
Hi Hunny

I was just about to post about feeling just the same, awful isnt it! It has happened to me a lot and I havent come to any harm from it, even though it is not nice just keep re-assuring yourself it will pass, my hands are numb too and this is scaring me, but we all post these symptoms day after day and we are always ok and are all in it together

Take Care

Wendy xx

26-03-06, 20:18
breathe and burp

Really learn to breath properly via a yoga class. You must be breathing well enough- if not ideally- or you wouldn't be able to sit at a pc and post

Sharon- eat regularly - even if it is 1/2 banana . You need to give yourself fuel. I lived on regular spoons of humous and guacamole when acute.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

26-03-06, 21:18

Was just about to say i am burping continually as well!
Why is that?
Hunny xx

26-03-06, 22:16
Hi Hunny,

You are burping because you are swallowing air when you breathe badly.

Hope you're feeling better now.

Lisa x

27-03-06, 08:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hiya

I feel as if im really struggling to breathe,i cant get a deep breath or yawn properly.
I cant eat because my throat feels swollen and my stomach feels very bloated right at the top
Im so uncomfortable and i feel really spaced out,i dont think i am getting enough air in
When i do try to eat,i feel like its all stuck .I cant speak properly and im scared
Im so so tired
Ive tried stretching etc because my chest and back are sore but it hasnt helped

Please help
Hunny xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by hunny - 26 March 2006 : 17:00:54</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">hi i no how you are feeling it frightens me something awfull
i am like it this min and have been like it for years and i ould love to chat any time night or day i do have msn my addy is nikkbu_1@hotmail.com so is my email addyhope to hear from you bye for now trish

27-03-06, 09:21
Thanks Trish

Its so horrible isnt it
This doent feel like anxiety though[V] and im so worried my throat is going to close up
Hunny xx

27-03-06, 11:04
Hunny I get this exact same syptom, And I think its one of my worst panic attack symptoms. I posted a message about it in the introduction forum, And got some really good support back. Ive found the best thing to do (which is what some posted in the other forum) Is to stop trying to take a deep breath. I would keep trying and the more I tried to take a deep breath and couldnt the more I paniced and the more pain I got.
So I stopped trying to take deep breaths and just concentrate on my diaphragm breathing, Its hard to do when your hyperventilating. But it will work eventually.
Ive had this same symptoms for 3 days, And am still trying to practice my breathing.

I hope you find this forum as supportive as I have.

27-03-06, 19:48
This happened to me when my Anxiety first started... I woke up THOUGHT i was struggling to breathe but really wasnt and i tried to control my breathing for like 3 days, I went to doctor and got my blood gasses tested and apparently i was making myself hyperventlate... It's really nothing to worry about... Do not try to contorl your breathing tho, If u feel like u are... breathe into a paper bag or something thats what they told me to do