View Full Version : setbacks

11-01-11, 19:14
Hi everyone :hugs:

I mainly post in the Citalopram section of the forum, a couple of years ago I had a severe bout of depression/anxiety, and was prescribed citalopram, which really helped. A couple of weeks ago, I went back to my gp as I had stared sliding back into depressive/anxious things and feelings.

Yesterday was such a bad day :weep: Maybe it sounds crazy... but, my little pet budgie passed away yesterday morning, very suddenly :weep: I'm so sad about it. During my worst depression, he was always my company, and we would chat to each other and play. Some days, he was the only thing that got me out of bed! :):blush: And now he's gone. :frown:

I have loads of great memories, photos and video clips, but, oh my, I'm going to miss my little friend. :(

11-01-11, 20:49
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your budgie and how sad you are. It's perfectly normal to feel bad when someone close has passed away. I remember my budgie from such a long time ago and how sad I felt. Thinking of you :hugs:x

13-01-11, 13:01

So sorry to hear about your little friend...how awful for you!!!

We tend to have pet hamsters and I know when each one of them has passed away it is always very sad. We have a female one called Alice at the moment and my daughter (who is 16) idolises her...I dread the day we lose her.

Thinking of you.


13-01-11, 15:44

Sorry to hear of your lose of your budgie, I hope you feel better soon.

sending you hugs. :hugs::hugs::hugs:


15-01-11, 20:18
Hi Budgie!:)
How are you feeling now?
Awww I am so sorry to hear about your little budgie. The loss of a pet is so awful. :hugs:
Sorry to hear about your depression and anxiety coming back. Think of how long you have been feeling much better though! Maybe it is just a blip and then when this blip is over, you will go through another long length of time feeling much better.
I am up and down a lot with my moods, but still better than when I didnt take Citalopram. I went through a bad couple of weeks but now I am beginning to feel better.
What dose Cit are you taking? Did you come off the Cit?
Sending you hugs. I am so sorry about your budgie

16-01-11, 10:48
Sorry to hear about your budgie..it is very sad the lose of a pet.