View Full Version : Moles & Freckles...are these ok?

11-01-11, 19:35

Recently been having a little setback and was feeling much better until last night!!!
I thought i has a spot by my ear and it felt a little tender so i was scratcing it, but when i got my hub to have a look he said it looked like a flesh coloured mole thing. I managed to see it today with a mirror and it is flesh coloured. I have had it there for ages but it just felt like the beginnig of a spot so i scratched it. I'm a little worried now as it's quite sore...prob from scratching it! Also i noticed a few weeks ago a small dark freckle on the top of my hand and today i was scratching it to see if it was a freckle or dirt...it is a freckle but this is now sore as i have scratched it! Do dark freckles just appear??? It's quite dark but very small. I am a little worried but feel so silly asking.
I feel worried as i have scratched both of them..one not knowingly and the other just to see....is this dangerous?

Thanks in advance.


12-01-11, 12:56
small dark freckles DO appear. i was melanoma obsessed last summer and found loads of new dark freckles which i paniced about.. 6 months later they are still the same size and haven't changed at all. there is a high likelihood that they have always been there, just now HA has set in you are selectively attending to these freckles
the little spot behind your ear... i got so many of these in the summer!!! just new little spot things that pop up. i have one on my shoulder and on my side, both which 6 months havent changed. are you sure it couldnt be a wart?
the skin is so annoying with all the things it sprouts up to worry us more!